Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 94: Successful share

It is absolutely impossible for the city to play what kind of overlord clauses and bully Feng Yu. If it is foreign capital, the city will pay more attention to it, but whoever makes Feng Yu they are Longjiang people.

It is said that this machinery factory, the original assets are worth more than 10 million rubles, how did it suddenly become twenty-seven million rubles? Among them, some investments have been added to the city, but the assessment of fixed assets is absolutely high.

These Feng Yu did not say that it has already given the face of the city. If it is not to make a good impression on the city, there will be more cooperation in the future. Feng Yu has already pointed out, who is stupid!

The machinery factory wants to dilute Feng Yu's shares. Feng Yu doesn't think so. He will slowly let this machinery factory become Feng Yu's holding company!

"Feng boss, you give an opinion on this matter." Li Mingde turned to Feng Xingtai. Small can't make it, just flickering old.

Although Feng Xingtai did not understand too much, but still do business, still believe in his son. He shook his head and said no opinion, as long as Feng Yu said that you promised.

The Agricultural Machinery Bureau, as well as some leaders of the machinery factory, are persuading Feng Yu, and finally even began to pressure Feng Yu, but also want to use the national justice to tie ~ frame Feng Yu.

Feng Yuyi does not talk about it. This is not a national defense science and technology. It is just a farm implement. You are also profitable. Besides, Feng Yu has already made a big step. Otherwise, he will talk about production equipment and technical materials. He must have at least 20% of the shares!

Seeing that the negotiations were not successful, it was necessary to quarrel. Zhang Ruiqiang had to reconcile in the drama.

"Feng, we didn't communicate very well yesterday. How did it become like this today?"

"You ask me, you should ask them. If you don't say anything else, this production equipment is sold to the machinery factory, 2.4 million rubles. Now, they are asking for 4 million rubles, and they are worth the price. Whoever is doing a ghost, I know it at a glance. If I can’t say something, I can buy a set of equipment and I can buy another set of equipment. Don’t say one is the next one, that is, ten can also be found. Just because of me. I can buy advanced equipment, I have the most advanced technical information!"

"Li Mingde, this is why you are wrong. I will see Feng’s conditions. You should consider it again." Zhang Ruiqiang hinted.

There is a bit tricky inside, of course he knows. He also strives for the greatest benefit for the machinery factory and the city, but did not expect the machinery factory to do so badly, even if the false assets are falsely reported, it is also seen at a glance, a group of waste!

The two days of the city meeting, but said, must have a good relationship with Feng Yu, can get the Soviet advanced equipment and technology, this is the ability. If the ice city can get more, then it is not impossible for the ice city to restore the glory of the national industrial base in previous years.

"Son, oh, you said that these people are fooling us?" Feng Xingtai asked Feng Yu whispered. Leaders can't lie to the people's money, he said to the leader.

"Nothing, this is what I deliberately let them, there is no machinery factory, no support in the city or even the province, we will have a hard time to take the next step. You can rest assured that we will never suffer."

Now that Kirilenko has got some equipment and technology is very troublesome, it is a big risk. It is because Kirilenko has a low price, and some factories are not very good at public relations.

Just waiting for a year, the Soviet economy will continue to be sluggish, factory shutdowns will be more serious, and those who dare to sell equipment will even contact. At that time, Feng Yu can get more sophisticated equipment. At that time, the equipment will not be cheaper than the machinery factory. With these equipment, Feng Yu will gradually control the machinery factory.

The current leadership of the machinery factory, the concept is too old, in their hands, the machinery factory will not have much development. Although Feng Yu is not professional, he can at least let the machinery factory take less detours.

Li Mingde, these people came together to discuss, this little Feng is not very good to deal with, Da Feng always does not speak at all, ask anything to ask his son, or do we agree?

However, the three conditions of Feng Yuti really made them very uncomfortable. They originally intended to let Feng Xingtai be a deputy manager, or the chairman of the trade union. Anyway, it was to give a name, and then not to give power, and finally decided. Still his Li Mingde.

It is a pity that Feng Yu did not put it on the list. Instead, he just pointed out the problem of false reporting on fixed assets. If they did not agree, what should Feng Yu ask for re-examination of assets?

"Well, the contract can be changed according to your requirements. Can you sign this time?"

"Let me change and see."

Feng Yu carefully looked at the contract that was changed. Li Mingde did not make any more ghosts. Feng Yu said that they have changed, and there is no new clause.

"Dad, you can sign it."

Feng Xingtai sat in the middle of the main ~ Xitai, signed the contract with Zhang Ruiqiang on the contract, and also looked at the chapter of the State Council. Li Mingde, in this case, he is not qualified to sign!

Feng Xingtai's expression is very stiff, and there is a video from the TV station. Does he want to go to the TV in the market?

Feng Yu is in the corner and is determined not to be on TV. Dad can go to TV and become a star entrepreneur. But if Feng Yu is promoted as a young entrepreneur, then he should not go to school.

"At noon, I had a meal at the canteen of the machinery factory. Everyone celebrated." Li Mingde said with a big hand, very cool.

Looking at the dishes on the table, Feng Yu shook his head, several factory leaders, plus Zhang Ruiqiang and Feng Yu, three of them, a total of only 12 people, actually placed more than 20 dishes on the table.

And there is Maotai, there are dozens of bottles, and actually took six bottles at once. The luxury of the wind is no less than the afterlife.

Feng Yu casually asked: "Li factory manager, how much is this table?"

"Not much money, reimbursement in the factory, what are you worried about." Li Mingde said with a smile.

"I am worried about reimbursement in the factory. The reimbursement in the factory is very problematic. Some factory leaders are even more reimbursed than the city leaders. There are also receptions and travel. These are public funds, and we have one for our family. This is the reason why finance should be supervised." Feng Yu said seriously.

Everyone's face changed. Feng Xingtai smiled and held a glass of wine. Suddenly, he found that other people put down the glass. He looked at it and he looked at his son. Dry, want to bully my son, first passed me. Feng Xingtai tried to open his eyes and picked a person to go back!

"Feng, you are worried that it is superfluous. We have a table to celebrate the success of our cooperation. Don't talk about it, eat and drink." Li Mingde shouted openly.

Feng Yu opened his mouth and did not say more. The concept is not reversed in a day or two. In two years, Feng Yu wants to become the controlling shareholder of this machinery factory. Whenever he dares to make such a big money, it will roll! Ps: The machinery factory is very important. The support in the city is more important, so Feng Yu seems to have suffered for the time being, but will soon earn back. In the millennium, there is a bottle of Maotai in the house for eight years, and then ~~~ is broken, that time is so bad! In addition, thank you for thinking that I am very good at rewarding, thank you for the two rewards of Snake~, congratulations to the snake~ become the second rudder of this book, ranking first in the fan list. This week's revision of the previous mistakes, the update will be a little slow, forgive me. But the recommended ticket is still required, free, everyone will reward the fourth