Extraordinary Player

Chapter 354: Arrange a special car for me!

Qin Guan is speechless. Is it fair to use it as a denture? !

Although the appearance of the big dragon tooth is indeed a dragon tooth...Who would have noticed that there was a tooth in its mouth that looked different from the others if it hadn't been pulled out by the dragon himself?

Of course, if Qin Guan kills this giant dragon, the dragon teeth will definitely be dropped, so sooner or later this king weapon will be in Qin Guan's pocket.

But this also happens to be in the knowledge blind zone of the vast majority of players. Who would have thought that this seemingly buggy dragon had a real king weapon on his body?

The vast majority of people are fighting for the box on the beacon tower, basically no one has the idea of ​​hitting the dragon.

But Qin Guan suddenly realized a problem, why hasn't the spirit world closed yet? ?

According to the experience of the previous two times, the spirit world would be closed as soon as the king item was obtained, but this time Qin Guan found that the spirit world was still fine, and there was no whirlpool or something to **** him back.

But he did get the big dragon tooth, and looking at the description of this weapon, it should be the king's weapon.

If the spirit world is not closed, how should we leave?

Qin Guan was a little confused. He tried to pick up the big dragon tooth, but found that he couldn't hold it.

too heavy!

Qin Guan still uses power as the main method of adding points, and because he has a higher level than ordinary players, his power is higher than that of warrior players, but now he finds that he can't handle this thing!

"It seems that I can only go back and upgrade a few more levels, wait, the spirit world has not disappeared, then Xiao Yu and the others are not very dangerous?"

Qinguan was taken directly by the dragon, but the battle on the beacon tower has not stopped. The monsters and the players of various guilds are still fighting, and the Chinese players are still in danger.

"Can it take me back?" Qin Guan looked at the giant dragon lying on the ground.

The green head dragon was completely speechless: "Are you still a human?! It's vitality has been robbed so much by you, now it has a breath, you still want to ride it??"

Qin Guan was a little embarrassed: "Ahem, but I have to rush back to the beacon tower immediately. How about...riding you?"

The green-headed dragon was shocked. Maybe it didn't understand why Qin Guan could be so brazen...

"What do you see me doing? You don't want me to leave quickly? Don't you hurry up to arrange a special car for me?" Qin Guan was confident.

The green-headed dragon suddenly reacted, yes, I have to send this product away quickly...

Otherwise, what if he goes crazy and pulls out the black weird big sword and slashes the dragon, isn't it all over? This is a fiend!

The green-headed dragon wailed twice at the dragon next to it, which was almost twice the size of it. Qin Guan couldn't understand the dragon's roar, probably in the language of the dragon.

Qin Guan glanced at this dragon. He had killed this kind of dragon before. It was called a Bone-Anchored Dragon. It was very large and covered with bone spurs. It looked vicious, but in fact it was not too big for the player. The threat is mainly that the hordes of blade pterosaurs that follow it are more dangerous.

Qin Guan looked at the back of the Bone Anchovy Dragon, well, there are gaps between the bone spurs to sit on, otherwise it would be the same as riding a cactus, and I would be too sorry for his Chrysanthemum area...

As a result, I didn't expect that the Bone Ankylosaurus would be unhappy!

It looked at Qin Guan, wailed twice very angrily, and then wailed at the green-headed dragon, expressing dissatisfaction!

Qin Guan glanced at it: "Why, this dragon is not happy?"

The green-headed dragon hurriedly said: "How can you not be happy! Don't worry, I will communicate with it again."

There was another howling, feeling the green-headed dragon's tone aggravated, very stern, the skeleton dragon was completely confessed by the roar, lying on the ground waiting for Qin Guan to sit up.

Qin Guan was very satisfied. He grabbed the bone spurs on the bone dragon and climbed onto his back. He sat in the middle of a few large spurs, just grabbing the two spurs in front of him with two hands, just like riding a motorcycle.

"Okay, let's go! Send me to the beacon tower and you can come back." Qin Guan felt very comfortable and didn't need to run errands by himself!

"take care!"

Seeing the bone dragon carrying Qin Guan and leaving, the green-headed dragon let out a sigh and finally sent the plague **** away!

In fact, it does not know how strong Qin Guan is. In fact, if it calls these dragons to besiege Qin Guan, it can completely block him at the resurrection point and kill him all the time, even if Qin Guan tries his best to escape, It's also a lose-lose situation.

But the key problem is that the green-headed dragon doesn't know how powerful Qin Guan is. It only knows that Qin Guan is about to kill this giant dragon. How can it dare to smash Qin Guan?

"I hope this plague **** never returns..." the green head dragon thought with lingering fear.


Qin Guan rushed back to the beacon tower while sitting on the skeleton dragon.

I have to say that this dragon is too capable of flying. When Qin Guan lay on the dragon, he felt that it just flung its wings twice, but when I came down, it was already a few kilometers away...

Fortunately, there are many players on the beacon tower, and a large number of light techniques have illuminated the entire beacon tower with a highlight effect, so Qinguan can still have a general orientation.

Monsters continue to block the way along the way, but the bone dragon skin is thick and fleshy, and it is not afraid at all. The spikes on the body smashed the monsters directly.

Moreover, Qinguan also witnessed the whole process of the appearance of monsters along the way. These monsters appeared to appear in some corners outside the city wall. First, black qi appeared, and then slowly condensed into entities.

But if they were destroyed before they were condensed into entities, the monster would die directly.

Qin Guan came all the way, took out the Black Horn King's bow and randomly shot two arrows, killing several monsters.

It's a pity that he was in a hurry and couldn't jump down to win the spirit, otherwise the harvest should be quite rich.

"Huh? It feels like the night is almost over."

Qin Guan looked up and saw that the sky was still pitch black, but the number of monsters had been significantly reduced. According to previous experience, this should indicate that the night was about to pass.

Qin Guan kicked the skeletal dragon on its back: "Run quickly, it will dawn soon! It's a pity that I forgot to ask if there is a flying dragon that can carry me, so it should be faster."

Bone Dragon: "..."

It doesn't understand what Qin Guan is talking about, otherwise it has to be mad, some rides are good, do you want to go to heaven? ?

Finally ~lightnovelpub.net~ when Qinguan rushed to the beacon tower, the surrounding brightness began to increase rapidly!

In the darkness, the monsters no longer appeared, but the monsters that had already appeared continued to move toward the beacon tower.

Looking at the beacon tower, the players' melee continues.

After Qinguan was taken away by the dragon, the green-headed dragon was forced to chase with a large group of dragons, and of course a small number of dragons inexplicably fought with the players.

On the beacon tower, a group of people were almost out of their brains, they were desperately trying to rush to the box, but no one could hold it, and they were quickly beaten back.

The group of spirit-reavers under Moore had the largest number, but they couldn't stand the cooperation of the Skull and Bones, Gao Tianyuan and other guilds.

Now everyone wants to take that box, but as long as anyone dares to approach, he will be beaten back immediately!

Obviously, the inscription on this box is almost lit up.
