Extraordinary Sailing (Extraordinary Voyage)

Chapter 32: Reward order

   The cruise was calm. After sailing for more than half a month, the Silver Wing returned to the Gabrield Naval Port.

  The power of sailing warships is only wind, and the speed is difficult to guarantee. Offshore cruising is already a task that takes less time and has a relatively high safety factor.

  The veteran crew members of the drama said that if you go on an ocean **** mission, such as going to the New World, it’s normal to walk for a few months. Of course, those are characters that can only be undertaken by battleships of at least Tier 4 and above, and the Silver Wing is no longer qualified.

   After getting off the boat, the other crew members went to relax and Ivan and Gary returned to their residence by the sea, ready to continue their practice. They can see that more important than transcendental inheritance is human self-control. If you want people to show their sacredness, you have to suffer from behind.

Just two people have just worked together to clean the house that was unoccupied for more than half a month, and a sailor who was left on the ship ran to report the letter, panting and shouting: "Your Warrant Officer, there is an urgent task. The captain has already issued After the summoning order, all personnel returned to the ship immediately."

   "Okay, we get it."

   Back on the Silver Wing, seeing First Officer Perry working overtime to replenish the lost supplies for the Silver Wing, Ivan said hello and went straight to the captain's room.

   "One-eyed Becky? A thousand golden lions are offered!!!"

   "Is this guy so arrogant? How dare to sink a warship?"

   "It is said that he is the deputy commander of the Sharktooth Pirates, and he already has the combat power of a senior knight."

   When Ivan arrived in the captain's room, the officers on the Silver Wing had already circled here, discussing the heat of the earth.

   On the desk in the middle is a reward order that was just brought back from the fleet command, and a simple piece of information about the wanted criminal.

   Seeing the amount of the reward order, not only Irving, but also a group of officers were blushing.

  What is the concept of a thousand golden lions?

   is almost equal to the salary that a navy soldier has accumulated for a hundred years without eating or drinking. It is equivalent to ten high-quality horses and one-fifth of a six-class sloop.

   And this money is paid directly and in full by the Third Fleet Command, and is not subject to the rules of loot distribution. Who kills this guy, who belongs to this golden lion!

  , coupled with the possible seizures after the fight against pirates, can make everyone eat their mouths in one go.

   Aiwen was also taken aback, what kind of guy is worth so much money? Say hello to Uncle Geer and his colleagues, picking up the information on the table and looking through it.

  Which is not the deputy commander of the Sharktooth pirate regiment. What pirate power in the sea can be stronger than the navies of other countries? The terrorist forces that ordinary people dare not provoke are all younger brothers in front of the Royal Navy.

   But exact information shows that "One-eyed" Beck himself has the extraordinary rank of a senior official knight rank, and has a record of beheading the strong at the same level. Not long ago, his pirate ship sank a Navy Class VI communications ship in a face-to-face battle.

   This has to make Aiwen marvel at his crazy and powerful.

   Actually, it is not that there are no pirates who dare to fight the navy. Many great pirates across the world have a record of sinking warships.

   But there are preconditions.

  First, you have to have the power to make the navy fearful. Is it worthwhile to weigh the ocean to kill you? This strength must be at least equal to that of Tier 3 and Grand Knight; secondly, don't let others see it, don't spread it all over the place, let alone make everyone known.

   But although this guy called "One-eyed" Becky already has the strength of the suspected knight stage, which is beyond the reach of most navies, it is far from the level that makes the official jealous.

   After sinking the warship, he did not immediately escape, and continued to swim in the jurisdiction of the Third Fleet. It was like slapping the upper and lower officers and soldiers of the Third Fleet in the face. Who would do it without you?

   Ivan doesn't think how long this guy can go away. Now it depends on who is lucky enough to catch his tail. When the warships are encircled, unless he can go to the sky and into the sea, the result must be doomed.

   "Your Captain, the supply is complete!"

   After a while, First Officer Perry came back and reported to Captain Geer that the supplies had been prepared and the crew had rushed back.

   Glancing at the eager eyes of everyone present, Geer nodded and waved his hand: "Set sail! According to the command of the headquarters, we will go to Tarot Island to meet the Warrior and hunt for the one-eyed Beck.

   Masters, the navy's majesty cannot be tarnished, and it will be washed away with the blood of the one-eyed Betsy! "

   "Yes! Your Captain!"


   On the blue sea, the waves were not windy and the sun was beautiful, and two five-tier cruisers of similar size were driving in a cruise formation, one front right and the other left.


   The chirping of seabirds is not as cordial and sweet as in the past, but makes people a little irritable.

The two warships    Silver Wing and Warrior have been searching the sea for eight days in order to hunt down the one-eyed Becky.

   Not to mention the one-eyed Betsy, even the other little pirates didn't even see a hair. The well-informed pirates had long been informed and were scared away by the big battle launched by the Third Fleet.

   It can be said that most of the warships without emergency missions have joined the hunting team. The strength and number are very rare in the past ten years.

   If it hadn’t been for the rapid communication ship and the tern to continuously send the latest intelligence, confirming that the one-eyed Becky had not landed or left the third fleet’s site, a group of people would have thought he would have slipped away.

But now, the officers and soldiers on both the Silver Wing and the Warrior have gradually become a little anxious. Such a large-scale blockade of the sea cannot continue indefinitely even with the power of the Third Fleet. The longer the time delays, In the end, the more likely it is that everyone will get nothing.

  The ocean is too vast for humans. Even if you just want to find this guy in this small area on the west coast of the Black Sea, it is not much better than finding a needle in a haystack.

   Aiwen's mentality is very good, even if he does not find the target, it is right to be an experience.

   Just because of the possibility of sudden battles at any time during this period, his special training was temporarily postponed. During this period, Aiwen basically spent this time under the mast.

   Aiwen learned sail control skills very quickly, and he has reached the point where he can lay hands on the sail line length Jiabu. Now he lacks only experience from a qualified sail line length.

   It has been more than a month since I boarded the ship. At this time, Ivan had completely adapted to life on the ship, but now he feels like a fish in water.

   even thought to himself like a fart: "I really should be a man who conquered the sea by nature, hehe."

   Standing on the observation deck, looking up against the slightly salty sea breeze, with the help of a digital vision, he will not miss any clues.

   "Huh, the Warrior sent the signal?"

   At this time, Aiwen keenly discovered the semaphore played by the Warrior on the opposite side, and interpreted it. The other party knew that there was an island with fresh water resources in front of him, and invited the Silver Wing to replenish fresh water.

   Every drop of fresh water on the ship is a precious resource, because the long-term storage of fresh water will deteriorate and smell. Therefore, after going to sea for a period of time, seafarers will use sugar cane wine, which is the rum that appears in many western fiction stories, instead of fresh water for drinking. People living on land can hardly experience the lack of water on ships.

  As a part-time captain's messenger, Ivan immediately slipped down the mast to report to Gehr.

   A moment later, following the semaphore from the Silver Wing, the two warships turned a corner together and set off toward the unknown island.


   "The view of this small island is good. If you are near the sea, there should be many people willing to come over for vacation."

  Sunshine, white sandy beaches, and a few beautiful coconut trees, Aiwen took advantage of the chief mate to organize the sailors to replenish fresh water. He sat in a small boat leisurely and hung a hook near the island to catch fish.

   "Yeah, another one!"

   I have to say that this kind of inaccessible place, fish have never seen such a thing as a hook, it is simply cute. Even though Ivan's fishing level was average, he harvested two buckets full of big fish that could not be named in a short time.

  The sailors of this era are too lazy to name all kinds of strange-shaped marine fishes. That is what scholars should do. In their eyes, there are only two kinds of animals in the sea, the difference between what they can eat and what they cannot eat.

   sent the fish back to the boat. Seeing that the sailors hadn't finished their work, Ivan ran directly to the mouth of the Danshui River on the island and took a fresh water bath.

   "It's cool!"

   While on the ship, even if the officer’s conditions were better, it was a bit unbearable for Aiwen to not be able to take a bath frequently. He seized the opportunity and naturally didn’t want to let it go.

Wiping his hair with a towel and returning to the boat, the chef is doing barbecue on the deck. The raw materials are the sea fish that Ivan brought back, the various sea shells the crew found on the beach, and the bacon in the storage room~lightnovelpub.net~ The smoke rises in a curling manner, making people look very appetite.

   Life on the sea is hard, seafarers have long learned to have fun in hardship, parties and food are just one of them.

   Aiwen looked a little eager to try, a two-life single man has honed a good cooking skill, a little tricky.

I picked up a big fish resembling tuna but with red stripes from the bucket that contained the fish. I picked up the kitchen knife on the side and played with a knife. I swiped it twice and it was like a cat. The big fish becomes two large pieces of crystal clear and delicious fish.

   The kitchen knife in his hand turned into a piece of silver light, just like the effect in the anime. Pieces of shiny and thin fish fillets flew out automatically and landed on the clean dinner plate that had been prepared long ago.

   In the use of swords, I do not know how much better than the top chef of the previous life, precise, quick and pleasing to the eye.

   Such a dazzling knife technique quickly surrounded Aven with a group of people, most of whom were high-ranking crew members on the ship, and the lowest level was irreplaceable technical work.

   "This kid, do you have too many ideas?" Neither Geer nor Aiwen are the kind of swordsman who regards swordsmanship as life, and they don't think there is anything wrong with Aiwen's use of swordsmanship in such a place.

It’s just that he had invented the vegetable "bean sprouts" and taught ship doctors several foods and beverages to prevent diseases. Now he has come up with a new way of eating marine fish. I really don’t understand where he came from so much strangeness. Thoughts.

After slicing the fish fillets, Aiwen adjusted a sauce with the ingredients on hand, and dipped one dish. Although it was less flavorful than the special dipping sauce in the previous life, the fresh fish just picked up from the sea seemed to live in his mouth. Come over, have made up for all the lack of taste.

   "Good, fresh!"