Extraordinary Sailing (Extraordinary Voyage)

Chapter 34: trap

   At that time, the deputy commander of the Shark-tooth pirate group and the invincible "white shark" Scook of the knight rank are nothing but smoke to him.

   I have the ability to go wherever I want to go and build a pirate group that belongs only to me, without having to look at anyone's winks.

  The most important thing is...the farther away from the already crazy leader...the better!

   stroked the black sculpture. He clearly knew that in this shipwreck-like sculpture, there was an evil undead who hated order and the civilized world, and wanted to launch the most tragic revenge against the human world.

   But whether he is blind, self-confident, or desperate, he has the confidence to completely suppress it after the transfer.

   "With it, my one-eyed Becky will surely become a powerful transcendent, and one day sit on the throne of the Pirate King of the Black Sea!"

   Greed makes him desperate, just because the effect of this ocean treasure is too powerful.

   Every time a warship in a world-order civilized country is sunk, the pirate ship that holds it will get a certain degree of bonus. As long as you keep hunting warships, it is not a dream to become a true legendary warship in the end.

   Cooperating with the extraordinary profession of "Shirewreck Mourners", which coexists with ships, Becky is confident that sooner or later he will become the king of the Black Sea.

   All of this made him make the decision to openly attack the warship. After a successful one, he must open a large net in this waters to complete another hunt!


"Your Captain, there is news from the observation deck that some **** discarded from the ship was found on the sea. We are chasing in the right direction!" The chief mate on the Warrior also reported to his captain with excitement. .

   "Hahaha, let the sails go forward at full speed, don’t let this little mouse slip under our noses."

   "Yes, sir!"


   Immediately, an energetic shout came from outside, and everyone was excited, as if the bounty was already within reach.

  Because their captain has been preaching to them that the one-eyed Becky once battled with warships and wounded the enemy a thousand and lost 800. It is absolutely impossible to be our opponent. You can defeat him if you find him, merit and reward every crew member who makes contributions.

   In fact, it is true that the Captain of the Warrior can climb to the current position. He is not fooling the crew, but making reasonable judgments based on common sense. He also firmly believes that his judgment will not go wrong.

   The wind direction and wind speed were very good, and the Warrior was able to run up to six knots with full sails. After being separated from the Silver Wing for two hours, he finally "it got his wish" to catch up with the envisioned black sail pirate ship.

   The pirate ship was parked on the side close to the Rocky Island. It seemed that no one would be able to spot them at all. It just started to lift the anchor and sail when seeing the warrior coming over.

   Challenge in a hurry!

The naval officers and soldiers on the    Warrior saw the pirates running in a panic on the pirate ship, and their morale increased, and they turned directly to the downwind to intercept the pirate ship that was slowly starting to escape.

   The muzzle opens, sharpening the knife!

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! Do you really think you can kill us? The idiot fell into the trap without knowing it." The pirate cadres hiding in the dark of the pirate ship showed bloodthirsty sneers at the same time, looking at the Warrior as if they were waiting. Slaughtered pigs and sheep.

   Because all the power of sailing warships depends on wind, the importance of wind direction to warships in naval battles is beyond doubt. There is no absolute difference between superiority and inferiority. They have their own advantages in various tactics.

Although the    Warrior attack from downwind can open all two layers of muzzle, fully exert its firepower, and can also block the opponent's escape route, it is unexpected that the pirate in the middle will fall into their trap.

   put down the monoculars in his hands.

   "Gagon, the prophecy made this time well. All the captured navy is yours!" One-eyed Betsy was very satisfied with the prophecy made by the wizard of Gagon, and it was rare that he promised him the most desired trophy before the war began.

"Quack, thank you Master Captain." The brown-skinned old man with a dry face and wearing various bone ornaments, opened his wrinkled mouth and quacked, his black tongue, black teeth and black mouth, like a black mamba snake Just as horrible and disgusting.

   "Open the muzzle, slow down a bit, and don't scare our guests away."

   "Yes, Captain!"

   "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

   The fierce artillery battle took the lead. The jumping shells flew horizontally, the ship boards burst and the masts were torn apart, and from time to time, the unlucky people on the ships of both sides were crushed directly into meat sauce.


"my leg..."

   No matter who is the hunter or the prey, artillery battles at sea are fierce, which is very fair to the pirates and the navy.

   The pirate ship at the upper wind took advantage of its own wind and slowly approached the Warrior, in a desperate posture to force a jump to help.

   Warrior wants to give full play to the performance of the artillery on its battleship, and fight and go, using the sea version of kite tactics.

   "Stay steady for me, the gunner has shot out all the shells we have in stock, and I want to fight the firepower with the warship, it is still decades early!"

   "Yes, sir!"

  Amidst the artillery fire, the two ships gradually sailed out of the original waters. As long as they passed the rocky arm extending from a rocky island, they would return to the deep water area.

   At this time, a strange scene happened to the soldiers of the Warrior.

   The sails on the pirate ship were gradually retracted, and the ship began to slow down slowly.

   "Strange, what are they doing?"

The bearded captain of   Warrior put down the single-scope telescope in his hand and couldn't understand the pirate's intentions, but he had to slow down in order to ensure the range of the artillery.

   "The sail is long, lower..."

   "Boom!" With a loud noise, the warrior's hull shook suddenly, and the huge force even threw many sailors on the deck into the sea.

   "It's not good, it's on the rocks!!"

   The shouts of the crew made the bearded captain's face suddenly pale. He patronized the pirate ship from escaping, but he forgot to observe the sea conditions and made the most unforgivable mistake.

   The navy on the ship panicked instantly.

No one knows better than him what the consequences of losing his mobility in this kind of pursuit are. The bearded captain closed his eyes in pain: "Keep firing to prevent the pirate ship from approaching ~lightnovelpub.net~ Send a distress signal to inform the whole ship to stand firmly. Waiting for Colonel Geer to rescue!"

   This is a difficult choice for him, who has always been proud and pretentious, but compared with his life, face is not important at this time.

   With the shining red flare up into the sky, there are new actions on the pirate ship.

   Seven or eight small special canoes were put into the water. There were three pirates on each canoe. One person held a torch and the other two were in charge of rowing. There was something covered with canvas in the canoe.

   This time, without an order from the bearded captain, the experienced officers knew what these **** pirates wanted to do. This tmd is simply an arson ship!

   What kind of hatred is this? My own warship has been stranded on the reef, so I have to send a death squad to burn the ship? ! ! !

   "Hurry up, fire the cannon, sink these arson ships!" The gunner's hysterical order almost changed the tone, but the gunners' emotions were not much better, and they quickly loaded ammunition and fired wildly into the distance.

However, because of the stranding, the Valor as a whole rolled over. The gun muzzles on the sides of the pirate ship were all facing the sky. The arson ship hit and sunk two of the ships shortly after launching, but when they approached, the artillery stopped attacking. To them.

What's more, during this process, the artillery on the pirate ship did not rest at all. The continuous artillery fire suppressed the officers and soldiers on the Warrior. The lifeboat that was put down was also the first to set fire, completely cutting off the hope of escape for the sailors. .

   "Mad, crazy, they dare to store so much flammable kerosene on board, aren't they afraid of turning themselves into fireballs too?!"

   But at this moment, no amount of vicious curses can save the destiny of the Warrior.