Extraordinary Sailing (Extraordinary Voyage)

Chapter 623: Retreat and advance

The Deputy King District of New Hilius is located in Huarez, the capital inland on the west bank of the Golden Sea.

"General Anqiluo, for a whole week, this is the answer you gave me?! This is the explanation of the invincible Hilius Imperial Army to His Majesty the Emperor?!"

Deputy King Flavio, who ruled the largest colony in the world, Neo-Hilius, read from beginning to end the data collected by the colony’s army intelligence department. I couldn't help the anger in my heart anymore, and slapped the exquisite mahogany desk in front of me with a slap.


The burly lieutenant general on the other side of the table did not hide, and let the stubble splashing on the ground at high speed hit him and his face motionlessly.

The military's sense of honor made him completely lack the face to dodge. After all, the battle fought in the past week, even with the help of the "Cursing School" and the "Fire Sect", was really ugly.

The distance between the east and west coasts of the New World is about 4,400 kilometers. With the Itasca River, the largest river in the mainland, as the center line, the entire western region is actually occupied by Sirius.

However, a large eruption on the Itasca River a week ago caused the Hilius pioneers and soldiers to lose a thousand miles.

The Hilius people who pioneered the New World were not stupid. Given their limited manpower, they were the best and most abundant land on this continent.

But in their eyes, "good" also has standards.

Under the premise that the New World itself lacks consumption power and market, these first-step colonists are of course aimed at plundering wealth. Compared to working hard to make money, it is obvious that direct robbery will come faster.

For example, the first targets: the Azik Empire and the Gashna Empire. These two countries are at least in the early stage of the slave society. The Gashna Empire is also known as the Golden Empire, and gold sacrificial vessels are popular.

In the same period, most of the northern part of the New World was still hunting primitive tribes.

Therefore, the colonies controlled by Hilius are either the gold and silver producing areas, or the subtropical and tropical areas where large-scale economic crops can be grown, and they are also the best part of the entire New World.

Just as the western part occupied by the New Hilly Deputy King District is the main enrichment area of ​​the northern mineral resources of the New World, it contains a large amount of precious metal minerals such as copper, gold, silver, vanadium, lead, and zinc.

But now in just one week, two-thirds of the resource points close to the central region have been lost, more than the sum total that has been successively lost since the "spiritual tide" broke out last year.

The deputy king who had the strength of a great knight and exercised power on behalf of Emperor Philip II still remained angry, and his blue eyes stared at his highest military chief:

"Her Majesty Queen Teresa’s motherland, a small Frisian region has contributed wealth to the empire surpassed the entire New World. If this continues, as the security environment of the New World continues to deteriorate, the Empire may not be impossible to make a decision to shrink the colony on a large scale. .

At that time, do you and I still want to have power in this land full of gold? General Angelo, your lover already has double digits, right? What to raise them? "

The position in the colony is not low, and the army lieutenant general who is only low-spirited because of wrong reasons obviously does not agree with Deputy King Flavio's words:

"Your Excellency, gold mines and silver mines are dead, and they won't resist the imperial claim by themselves.

But the Kingdom of Frisia began hundreds of years ago, but it is a country where all the people do business. Although most of them do not produce, they mainly do business and finance.

But I think their nature is no different from that of Ilya's merchants who resisted [king power]. They are all the same.

His Majesty the Emperor can finally rely on our army and navy! And the big territory we laid for the empire! "

The world is no longer isolated countries. After the Bourgeois rebellion occurred in the Kingdom of Ilya, many eyes were fixed there. Of course, there is no exception for Hilius, who is separated by a sea.

Even if only Tirentius, the "primitive god" who believes in the "Shenhuo Sect" and the Holy Lothar Empire, is allowed internally, the heads of people who are killing are rolling in the midst of the vigorous religious reform.

However, the high level of the empire still "clearly knows the causes and consequences of the Ilya uprising."

The root is in the new class of "bourgeois".

Before the marriage, Hilius, who practiced totalitarian rule, had no internal handicraft industry, let alone a "bourgeois".

But now the Frisians within the empire are the first to organically unify banks, credit, insurance, and limited liability companies into one financial and commercial system!

They owned the first publicly traded stock company, the first organized stock exchange, the earliest technology to manipulate the stock market, the first international settlement bank, and so on.

Including the world's largest Dutch bank group, the place of birth is Frisia, a lowland country that has not been suitable for farming since ancient times.

Hundreds of years ago, the Frisians also invented the "flute ship", because various countries levied port tax according to the area of ​​the top deck of the vessel, which can be used to avoid tax.

There are many more examples of this. The big factory owners who have arisen because of the steam industry are just mere juniors.

The deputy king did not want to listen to his views on the bourgeois uprising, and waved his hand:

"Shut up! Our intelligence department has researched the matter very clearly. The Kingdom of Ilya is guarding the decay because of the kingdom. The Empire of Hilius will never repeat the same mistakes!"

However, the reprimands belong to the reprimands. Under the precarious survival pressure of resource points, after all, the strong men will break their arms.

Flavio then had to reluctantly order:

"Abandoning some precious metal mining areas, we retreat 1,000 kilometers to the west coast."

Then he grunted coldly:

"The New World is our defense zone, General, I think you'd better think of a way to maintain the existing defense line."

The general's face was uncertain, and he couldn't help but look at the east coast of the mainland in the east, where it was also the place that performed best in the spiritual tide.


The upper valley of the Hutson River.

Thousands of soldiers in Georgia have already camped and the final general offensive will be launched after dawn tomorrow.

The "quasi-legendary battleship Venus" on the wide river is their mobile headquarters.

"Miss Angie, the three wizards, I didn't expect that the support troops sent from the rear would be you, not Billie...cough cough, I mean it's great.

The front is the last battle we went retrograde along the river. Saratoga Hot Springs, located in the upper reaches, is also the place where the third-order Totem God is suspected. "

William is introducing the current situation of the battle to the unexpectedly strong reinforcements.

Sure enough, as originally expected, in the second half of the journey, the "ghouls" had already escaped, and most of the things that needed to be dealt with were the "ghosts" and natural spirits that had gradually taken root in this land.

The army marched up the river, all the way to Saratoga.

It is rich in geothermal resources, with hot springs all over the place. Even the winter seems to come later than elsewhere. In any case, it is also a treasure.

She tied a silver hair like a moonlight with a blue headband into a high ponytail. An Qi, wearing a white dress, seemed to be faintly shining, and she smiled:

"The guy Beth informed us that a suspected Tier 3 totem has been found in Buffalo, and a large number of ghosts have gathered upstream, worrying about your lack of strength.

Just some time ago, the teacher asked us to investigate the terrain along the twelve colonies. Three peak wizards of the "Mechanical Immortality School" have taken action. It should be enough to deal with a Totem God. "

The other commander Robert's face did not relax:

"What we are worried about is actually the'Ms. Crow' across the river, and even the guy in this intelligence who is suspected of being a Tier 3 Totem God, is not sure whether it has anything to do with that powerful high Totem God.

If this is a nail deliberately released by the other party, even if we can expel or even kill him, the greater trouble is still to come. This is what we need to consider..."

However, while planning a plan.

Facing the spirit monsters who have almost no wisdom for a long time, they have neglected the complete third-order totem **** who has obtained the human body, but the wisdom is far beyond the existence of human beings.

If they can stay at home honestly and wait for them to call friends to push the tower, that would be really weird.

"Is it them?"

In the dense forest on the bank of the river, Bello, the "Bison God" with soaring horns, looked at the campfire in the river valley camp and asked in a deep voice.

"My lord, that's right. These people have ruined the great plan of "Mrs. Crow", a large-scale epidemic that should have swept across the entire continent to provide power for women, because the guy behind them died without disease.

In the past, the goddess didn't have the energy to pay attention to these little bugs, but they dared to run to the vicinity of Manchak Swamp to show off their might, obviously just not putting the goddess in their eyes. "

Behind him, "Fungi Man" and "Chong Man" stood bent.

They also have self-knowledge that they were not the opponents of Aiwen and his party at the beginning, and now they are no more opponents. Of course, it is safest to kill talents with a knife.

Under the guise of helping the goddess to breathe out a bad breath, he provokes the powerful "Bison God" to stand up for himself.

"Bison God" Bello certainly has his own considerations.

The core power of "Mrs. Crow" is [Plague], but it has a total of three domains of [Unclean], [Plague], and [Death].

After Wuhao, the original lord **** of his family, fell into silence and [Death]'s power could not be manifested, mass killings and deaths close at hand would inevitably benefit the expansion of the power of "Ms. Crow".

Just like a hundred years ago.

The Hilius, who first landed on the New World, brought various infectious diseases that caused the Atrians to die on a large scale. Even in the early days of colonization, many indigenous tribes died before they saw the colonists.

It was also that large-scale epidemic that greatly strengthened the power of'Ms. Crow', successfully freed herself from the shackles of faith, and was promoted to the position of Totem God.

Originally, I was here just to gather the "ghosts" who flew here to expand my power, but if I can eliminate these colonists who once offended the ladies, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is definitely a good thing with multiple birds.


The "Buffalo God" who has just joined "Ms. Crow" Ye Heer, although eager to offer a name to consolidate his position. But as a totem **** who has lived for hundreds of thousands, how can he be used as a spear so easily, and confront an unknown enemy with recklessness?

Raise the obsidian saw sword in his hand high.


The golden fluctuations spread out like water waves, and behind him countless spirit bodies formed a green and secluded torrent, which had already poured down towards the soldiers' camp in the valley.


It is to use the natural personal advantages of the third-order totem gods to drive the "ghosts" and "natural spirits" to sweep mines for themselves.

bell! bell! bell! ...

In the camp, an instant alarm bell was made.

"Enemy attack--!"