Extraordinary Sailing (Extraordinary Voyage)

Chapter 858: 3 years and weak compensation

"Everyone has it, prepare!

Open the gas valve and charge the steam. Each unit pays attention to the pressure gauge..."


On the outskirts of Bekele, the capital of Pharates, in the grassy shooting range, a group of soldiers with metal cans on their backs and some strange firearms lined up facing the target.

The commander swung the command knife vigorously and let out a loud shout:


boom! boom! boom! ....

The high-pressure steam rushed out, pushing the hot metal storm out, and in the blink of an eye, the first group of targets in front of him were directly torn into pieces.

"Shoot again!"

The soldier was ordered to pull a locking structure on the gun in his hand and pushed the cone-shaped projectile into the magazine. The whole process took less than a second, and then pulled the trigger again.

"Shoot again!"

Although this "steam gun" is far more bulky than normal flintlocks, the benefits are obvious.

As long as it is preheated in advance and the pressure provided by the steam pressure tank is still up to standard, it can continue to launch without cumbersome filling of gunpowder and projectiles.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ....

Next to the shooting range, a group of distinguished spectators could not help but applaud lightly when they saw the performance of this new weapon that has been finalized.

"The premise is that there is no sudden encounter in the wild, and there is no time to make the necessary steam.

This kind of high-pressure steam gun should have a wide range of application prospects in urban defense work that can provide logistical support. Especially when dealing with ‘those things’, intensive firepower is the only reliance of ordinary soldiers. "

Standing at the forefront of the team, Aiwen, who was wearing a military uniform with a large waist and hip saber, gave him a positive affirmation.

at this time.

Time has come to the autumn of the 196th year of the Haiyuan calendar, and it has been three years since the last time Ivan and the others landed on the moon.

This time, it was also the Grand Duchess of Galliot and his wife Olivia, who would conduct routine visits and technical exchanges with Falettis and the "Cult of Steam and Machines" after a short interval.

Except for the "Steam and Mechanical Cult", the "Alchemy School" and the entourage of the two countries.

Wearing a red palace dress, Her Majesty the Queen is like a gorgeous red rose to accompany you throughout the journey, and Olivia, who is wearing a white dress of the same style, is holding hands affectionately.

Just like a pair of beautiful sisters.

Even on such diplomatic occasions, they still talked and laughed without restraint. It is clear that relations have improved a lot in the past three years.

The autumn breeze passed.

The corners of the two ladies' exquisite skirts are flying, and it is vaguely visible that their straight and slender legs are wrapped in shiny thin silk stockings.

Livina is charming black, Olivia is clean and pure white.

Since these two almost noble women in the material world lead the trend, just like the original tulip trend, silk stockings have also become a fashion among the nobles and even women above the middle class.

Unexpectedly, it became a popular export product in the "oil industry" that the Principality had just started, and this high-end female product was worth more than gold of equal weight.

In these three years.

As high-level transcendents, they can't see the slightest change in their appearance, but the changes in the mundane world are profound and subtle.

In the eyes of mortals that are difficult to adapt, the whole world is like being equipped with an accelerator, and it changes every day.

The "high-pressure steam guns" that are being tested and finalized, and the ten "high-pressure steam cannons" pushed up by the soldiers are just a small part of them.

[Watt III military steam engine] Let "steam" become an easily available and powerful and convenient energy source, and the first application scenario is armaments.

"Start [Analysis Machine]!"

A middle-aged man wearing monocles and a little sloppy came out from the crowd, directing a group of [steam masters] to get busy next to the huge machinery built next to it.

The middle-aged man named Charles Babbage was busy and excitedly introduced his latest invention to Irwin:

"Two respectable sires.

This machine surpasses all previous ‘differential engine’ models in terms of possible calculation range, simplicity, reliability and accuracy, or automation.

It is already a brand new great invention! This time the firepower table calculation will prove it! "

With the gradual development of guns and the era of front-mounted smoothbore guns that were originally hit by metaphysics, their ballistic calculations and firepower meter tests have become increasingly important.

A formal firepower meter requires 3000 different ballistic parameters.

As far as a single parameter is concerned, a trajectory with a flight time of 60 seconds can put an ordinary person directly on the ground, because it takes at least 20 hours of horrible workload!

Although the brain power of high-level extraordinary people is enough to easily cope with this kind of work, [steam division] and normal military personnel urgently need a calculation tool that can shorten this complicated ballistic parameter calculation to seconds.

And it must be universal and be able to be promoted throughout the military so that most ordinary people working in the frontline can also use it.

This Mr. Babbage, although not a powerful wizard, is just a wizard apprentice with a "construction branch".

However, a series of "mathematical computers" developed by him is the one that best meets the needs of the military.

This new design is about 30 meters long and 10 meters wide. The whole body is made of brass. Babbage calls it an "analysis machine."

It can automatically solve complex arithmetic problems with 100 variables, each variable can have up to 25 digits, and the calculation speed can reach an astonishing 100 times per second.

From Aiwen’s point of view, the pioneering nature of the "Analytical Machine" lies in:

This is the first "general purpose computer" with basic components such as arithmetic unit, memory, controller, input and output device in the history of the fifth era!

In this new design, he also creatively put forward the concept of automatically formulating instruction sequences, so that the "analyzer" can run from the previous step to the next without human assistance.

With this "computing machine", Babbage has no obstacle to breaking through the official wizard.


As the steam engine drives the transmission device to start running, the precision brass gear rolls like a ball, making a sweet sound of "ticking".

With the input and output of punched paper cards, a pile of data that requires a few days of calculation by civilian staff is being generated quickly.

Look at this "analyzer" that is constantly running under the impetus of a steam engine.

Ivan nodded slightly.

Well, there is something inside.

If three years ago, it was only a rudimentary form, but now after three years, the world seems to have completely entered the "steampunk age".

Moreover, it is not only the Tulip Alliance that is progressing, but the genius is by no means confined to one family or one country. As other countries on the Source Continent are catching up, it means a lot of flowers will bloom.

This also reminded Aiwen of a concept that he had just added to his "progressive theory"-"weak compensation".

That is to say, the survival intensity (the tenacity of survival) of all living creatures in the world always shows a downward trend, and one generation will be weaker than one generation is "decreasingly weak."

Therefore, if these creatures want to survive, they have to constantly look for more supporting factors. This supporting factor is "compensation."

Just like the current state of the material world.

As the era shifts, the power of extraordinary creatures diminishes. The more "evolved" human beings are, the weaker the individual power and the greater the number, and the greater the need for collective division of labor and cooperation.

"Compensation for weakening" is applied to modern humans. Extraordinary power is "compensation for weakening" and science is "compensation".

"Oh, this is the biggest trend in this world that has crossed many epochs!"

of course.

If there is any defect in the rapid progress of technology, it is probably the dense smoke that looms over Bekeler at this time.

This is the throes of industrial development, even Mennon Watt, the "god of steam and machinery" who has successfully condensed [the priesthood], cannot change it.

Also because of the increasingly harsh environment.

Now Livina, Her Majesty the Queen, spends a large part of her free time in the White Swan Castle that has undergone another round of expansion.

In the White Swan Castle, she has her own exclusive room, maid team, cloakroom... and even the wine cellar, where she is just like her own home.

Compared with Bekele at this time, Long Island with beautiful scenery and pleasant environment is simply paradise.

In addition, Aiwen couldn't help begging, using the power of [Divine Creature] and the crowned wizard, to establish a permanent portal in the room belonging to her in St. James's Palace, which allowed her to come and go freely.

At this moment.


A huge "rigid airship" dangled a black shadow and flew over the crowd to the depths of the shooting range.

"Herssy, haven't you seen such a new thing? When the test is over, we will go sit in a circle together."

"Okay, sister Wella."

The two women who have been in space are still feeling novel about this simple in-atmospheric spacecraft.

Aiwen’s [Demon Eye of Insight] has already seen it all.

This airship has a rigid hollow copper tube skeleton, which consists of a longitudinal girder on the abdomen, 24 long pestles and 16 frames.

A large number of longitudinal and transverse cables are used to enhance the structural strength.

The hull structure is covered with a tarpaulin skin, and there are 17 airbags inside the boat, with a total volume of 12,000 cubic meters and a total buoyancy of 13 tons.

Because the improved multi-airbag design can also play a role similar to the ship's water barrier, even if one or two damages do not affect the flight, the flight safety is greatly improved.

Using steam power, the visual flight speed can reach 24 kilometers per hour, which is enough for actual combat, provided that it does not encounter anti-aircraft guns.

"Everyone has it, prepare!"

After the "analyzer" completed the calculation of the firepower meter, the [high-pressure steam guns] that were in the experimental stage adjusted their muzzles one after another to point to the huge living target that was lowered by the airship ten kilometers away.

It was a huge monster with a body length of more than five meters, and its scales looked like a super-giant crocodile.

And different from monsters in the conventional sense, this "crocodile" is not only huge, with sharp horns on its head, but also a strong smell of sulfur.

Even if it was tightly bound by the enchanted wire rope, hot lava spurted out continuously in the nasal cavity.

This is a "demon-like" transformed by a higher-level monster, and it is also an acquired demon based on creatures in the material world.

It is also the key to the rapid launch of the [High Pressure Steam Gun] and [High Pressure Steam Cannon] projects to equip the army.

three years ago.

Solomon's so-called "chaos is here" in his letter illustrates the most fundamental problem that Ivan has not yet adapted to an immortal's concept of time.

The previous period has been calm and calm, and after three years of brewing, it is only recently that some signs of turmoil have gradually appeared in the material world.

The main reason is that the cunning demon gods who came to the material world for "vitality" cannot carry too much power if they want to break through the boundary barrier. UU Reading www.uukanashu.com

Even if success comes, they will be careful to hide and use tens of hundreds of years of time to grow slowly.

Of course, there are also courageous people who have begun poaching to obtain humans, and even continue to confuse people who were originally humans and are now monsters.

As the strongest human union to suppress the material world, the "Tulip Alliance" has the most expansive land and rules the largest population. This is also a problem that Ivan and Livina have to face now.


boom! boom! boom! ...

Two rounds of rapid fire, carrying a huge kinetic energy shell, easily tore that end equivalent to the third-order "crocodile-like monster" into pieces.

[High-pressure steam gun] Both the rate of fire and the power must be far higher than the conventional ship-borne artillery of the current sail battleship, and it can be said that the future can be expected.

At the end of the test, Livina turned her head and said with some expectation:

"Ivan, Hessie, should you take out the good things you told me before that can deal with the devil gods?"