Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1004: Start to fight back (1)

In the future, you can use these to exchange more precious treasures in the sanctuary.

Therefore, the requirement must be a medicinal solution made by yourself.

Each of these resource halls has a special method of investigation.

A group of people thought that Luo Qingtong was not in the pharmacy before, and did not know these rules, so she reminded her specially.

"I did it," Luo Qingtong raised an eyebrow. "The refining time is no more than three days."

Otherwise, why did she keep herself in the room these days?

Naturally for these medicinal solutions.

The situation of Qingwei Group is not difficult to break!

As long as there is a person who refining medicine is stronger than them, and the refining medicinal solution is better than them, the kind of suppression scene against the evil group that they formed does not exist at all!

Without the threat of medicinal solution, what are the threats of Qingwei Mission to them?

But Luo Qingtong did more than just do this.

The Qingwei regiment threatened her with a medicinal solution, trying to force her out of the Daqin Shengyuan.

Luo Qingtong didn't teach them a little lesson, wouldn't she be so sorry for those who were cleaned up by her before?

Those people have learned a terrible lesson!

Luo Qingtong thought, looking faintly to the students of the Pharmacy Academy who had been completely stunned by her words: "Tell all those who come to Resources College to receive the medicine solution, who is not the same as the Qingwei group To deal with it, I will help you to make a pharmaceutical solution. "

"The medicinal liquid that the Qingwei regiment made for him was a few percent, and I would be 10% more than them!"

Luo Qingtong said this extremely aggressively.

Qing Wei group threatened her with liquid medicine?

Let those influential people isolate themselves as an evil group?

She wants them to taste it too!

In addition ...

"Tell other pharmacy students who are willing to help Tianxie Tuan to refine the pharmaceutical solution. I will give them a formula for free! Make sure that they can produce a solution that is not weaker than the members of Qingwei Mission!"

If the words in front of Luo Qingtong are still teeth for teeth and eyes for eyes, then the words in the back are her counterattack to the Qing Wei group!

And it's the one that hits the hearts!

The members of the Qingwei regiment may not care about the words in front of her. After all, as long as they can refine medicine, and they can refine advanced medicine, there will not be so many forces to deal with them!

They will not fall to the level of the sky evil group.

But the words behind Luo Qingtong are directly against them!

The Qingwei regiment can target the Tianxie regiment and want to drive Luo Qingtong out of Daqin Shengyuan?

Is it not because the top students of the pharmacy are in their Qingwei group?

So they can call on the students of Daqin Shengyuan to deal with Luo Qingtong and Tianxie Tuan!

But what if their advantage is gone?

Who cares about their targets and orders?

Luo Qingtong's trick is to take a salary at the bottom of the kettle!

After saying this, she left directly, leaving only one sentence. If you want to find her, go to Tianxie Tuan!

The students of the pharmacy in Zhongyuantang all stared at the back of Luo Qingtong's departure.

Looking at the pile of medicinal solution in the corner next to me, I suddenly felt like I was dreaming.

Oh my God!

In three days, so many medicinal liquids have been refined, and the other party's control of the alchemy has almost reached its peak!

You know, the higher the level of medicinal solution, the longer it takes to refine, and the lower the success rate!

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