Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1140: Phoenix kite exhaled to vomit blood (3)

She had suffered in that secret realm, and it was easy to raise her strength to a distant level from the holy realm.

I thought that after absorbing Mo's strength this time, he would be able to break through the sanctuary in one fell swoop.

But now, let alone say that she has broken through the holy realm, has her strength fallen to the higher martial arts realm? !!

All those strengths that she has worked so hard for are all cheap for Luo Qingtong!

And all this is her own pot!

It was she who wanted to absorb Mo Yan's strength, but was used by Luo Qingtong to take advantage of this connection and flaw, and absorbed the strength!

Thinking of this, Feng Xie's heart became mad.


She spit out her head of blood and then screamed loudly, tearing her hair desperately.

Just when she was hysterically out of control ...


The door of her room was slammed open.

The extraordinary saint of the Dayong dynasty rushed in with **** eyes from the outside.

"Phoenix kite!" He looked angrily and fell to the ground with a embarrassed face, and waved his sleeve fiercely.

The next second, a slap was hit **** Feng Jie's face.

Instantly, the latter was beaten out.


Feng Xie's body slammed heavily on the wall of her dormitory, then broke the wall and flew out.


"I really am a ghost and I just listened to you! Do you know how much our Royal Family lost this time?"

"Without the blessings of the National Games accumulated for so many years, the national strength of my Dayong dynasty became the weakest of the Four Dynasties!

"Not only that, the power of the blood of the royal family has fallen by more than 20%!"

"Feng kite, you **** it!"

The extraordinary saint of the Dayong dynasty would look at Feng Xie's eyes and hate to eat her.

Suddenly suffered such a large loss, he will almost become a sinner of the entire Dayong royal family!

And all this is because of Phoenix kite.

The extraordinary saint of the Dayong dynasty said that his anger was unbearable, and his body was bullied again.

Seeing that the other party had lost his mind, the plume of smoke in Feng Xie's body could no longer sit idly by.

It popped out suddenly, flickered in the body of Feng Xie, and disappeared into the room.

"Dare to run!"

The extraordinary saint of the Dayong royal family was angry.

A fierce wind violently gushed, and he blasted the hall to shatter.

Then the stature swept up from it, and the voice spread across the entire Dayong Holy City.

"Pass me an order to deprive Phoenix Kitty of her princess status and all privileges from today!"

"Send someone to arrest her! Bring her back intact!"

The blood of the Dayong royal family is now fading. Even if the other party is tied back to be a sow to breed, the extraordinary saint of the Dayong royal family will never let her escape like this!

That **** almost harmed their entire Dayong royal family!

Thinking that they and others not only lost the power of the National Games accumulated in Dayong over the years, but also faced questions from Daqin, why did their power of National Games appear in the Holy Capital of the Qin Dynasty, and they shot at Prince Qin The blue veins on the forehead of the extraordinary saint of the Dayong dynasty pulsated suddenly!

He must catch Feng Xie back! As the end of this thing!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain to Daqin!

After being swallowed up by the power of the National Games, but also bowing his head to the other side, the extraordinary saint of the Dayong dynasty felt that he had never been so humiliated!

And all this is caused by Feng Xie's inverse grandson!

He was so annoyed that he ruined the Princess Palace!

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