Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1142: The two dynasties joined forces to make

Evil doctor ghost pupil, aren't you relying on various means to absorb my strength?

When I become a sanctuary, I'd like to see, what other means are you using!

I will crush you!

Dayong, I will definitely return!

Feng kite followed the ray of blue smoke, toward the location of the extreme western wasteland.

In the Daqin dynasty, Luo Qingtong regretted that he couldn't keep his mental strength to watch the drama on the Dayong dynasty, and then lowered his figure.

"Clear pupil!"

Mo Yanye and the Supreme Master Dean ran here over here.

"You little baby can do it!"

Tai Shang Dean looked at Luo Qingtong's whole body full of breath, eyes bright.

At first glance, this evil doctor little child took advantage of the heavenly sacred hand.

The thought of the opponent's shot against Mo Yan Ye almost hurt the real dragon's luck in the opponent's body, and Tai Shang Shang's heart applauded for a while.

Deserve it!

Let the other person hide behind you!

He also gave his idea to the Holy Emperor!

Thinking about it that way, the dean of the Supreme Court suddenly clapped his hands.

"By the way, the power of the Golden Dragon of the National Day of the Yong Dynasty is coming! They can't get out of it! I immediately asked the emperor to let him release the holy grail and ask the royal family for an explanation!"

"Apart from that, how did that sacred doctor's hand use the power of the true dragon of the Dayong royal family, they must give an explanation!"

"And the heavenly doctor's hand, they must also hand it over!"

"No need!" The extraordinary saint of the Daqin dynasty strode forward at this moment, "I have sent the Holy Emperor a holy shrine!"

"This time, we must let the people of the Dayong Dynasty explain it!"

"The Dachu Holy Dynasty can also take a step." Luo Qingtong's face was faint.

She did not say that Feng Xie was the sacred hand of heaven.

Let the people of the Dayong royal family go embarrassed.

By then, there will naturally be good fruits of Phoenix Kite!

And doesn't Feng Xie really like acting?

She gave her this chance!

The smile on Luo Qingtong's lips was stunned.

The answer is announced so quickly, isn't it fun?

Let the people of the Daqin royal family and the Dachu royal family persecute the Dayong royal family.

Luo Qingtong is happy to watch Feng Xie's struggle.

However, I really want to see the other person's bad luck, I'm afraid it's unlikely.

Luo Qingtong thought of the plume of smoke she saw in Feng Xie's body, and it was really interesting!

She likes challenging things!

"Okay! If Da Chuken shoots together, it's even better!"

Luo Qingtong's words exited, and everyone immediately remembered another identity of Luo Qingtong, Da Chu's Shengning!

If Da Chu is willing to shoot together, the pressure on Da Yong will be even greater.

As for the black domain ...

Everyone unanimously ignored Ye Qianji.

This trivial matter does not require blackfield shots at all.

What's more, Luo Qingtong's identity as a "evil doctor ghost pupil" is not intended to be completely exposed, let alone use the power of the black realm.

Luo Qingtong thinks so too.

Killing chicken gizzards with a bull's knife?

What's more, if she hadn't guessed wrong, Feng Xie would have left Dayong under the care of that ray of green smoke.

Where can I find the Lord, where do I still need to take a shot?

The party did not stay in Prince's House for a long time, and they dispersed.

The strength of Luo Qingtong's body needs to be consolidated.

After a tiring night, she was tired too, leaning lazily on Ye Qianyu's body.

The latter looked down at her, then hugged the person, and disappeared into their eyes in the surprised expression of everyone.

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