Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1358: Very bad

"Master, the other side is a person in a hidden place, I'm afraid it's not easy to mess with."

When Hu Yanniang said that, she suddenly looked worried to Luo Qing.

Before she knew Luo Qingtong, she basically didn't know that there was such a hidden place.

But after getting to know Luo Qingtong and taking care of the Heiyu Mansion for her, she gradually began to understand this aspect.

From this point, Hu Yanniang knew how vast the world was, and how vast the expanse of this continent was.

The four pilgrimages, in the eyes of ordinary people, are already incomparable giants!

And in the Tianyan continent, they are just a mere puppet of the eastern region.

In the hidden land, the legendary Zongmen power is still above the forces of Tianyan continent.

Every strong one who cultivates inside is enough to crush the strong ones in the Tianyan continent.

After learning that what the Bai family had prepared turned out to be for the people in the hidden land, Hu Yanniang's heart was very worried.

She had killed all the people in the Bai family, but she was afraid that there would be other ways to trace the whereabouts of the purple jade Mingxinguo and the thunder beast.

"Hidden Land?"

Luo Qingtong's brow lightly.

The Bai family was able to catch the line of the hidden people, which really surprised her.

But the soldiers came to cover the water and cover the earth, and everything was done!

What's more, even if she doesn't grab the purple jade heart fruit and thunder beast that Bai's family prepared for the other party, the other party's help will definitely match her!

That being the case, what else is there to entangle?

Wait until the other party comes!

"Well, I know that. What else?"

Luo Qingtong looked at Hu Yanniang.

"What's news about the Holy King's Tomb?"

"I broke the news of the Holy King's tomb from Bai Feng's mouth. It is said that the Ouyang family suddenly announced this news, and there was no omen before it!"

"And promised that in addition to the family that owns the map, anyone who does not have a map can also enter the grave of the King to try their luck!"

"Master, Ouyang's behavior is strange!"

"They seem to be deliberately seducing others into the Holy King's Tomb."

Hu Yanniang looked at Luo Qing pupil.

"Well." Luo Qingtong's face was faint. "It's true."

No one else has a map of the Holy King's Tomb, so I don't know.

However, Luo Qingtong knew that the gathering of the four pictures of the tomb of the holy king would only make the route organs in the tomb of the holy king more detailed.

However, a separate map of the tomb of the king can still follow the guidelines to enter the tomb of the king.

In other words, the four remaining pictures of the tomb of the holy king are only the route maps and organs in the tomb of the holy king.

There is no obstacle to finding the tomb of the Holy King itself!

If it were n’t for the Hu family ’s affairs and the Ouyang family ’s announcement of the map of the tomb of the king, there was a delay. bingo!

But since the people of Ouyang's family announced the news of the Holy King's Tomb, she would not be able to act like she thought before, so as not to be cheaper at last!

She would like to see, what kind of medicine is sold in Ouyang's gourds!

"Let people continue to inquire about Ouyang's family! By the way, before and after they announce this news, let me see if there is anything special in their family."

"Yes." Hu Yanniang promised so suddenly, something seemed to come to mind.

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