Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1405: Not a level

A silent rush of spiritual power, like a sharp blade, accurately cut off the connection between Ouyang Shao and Feng Xie.

The latter is using pupil technique to control Ouyang Shao's every move.

This is the killer of Feng Kite, and it is definitely not easy to use normally.

She couldn't help it this time, and only controlled Ouyang Shao's movements through pupillary surgery, and vowed to make Luo Qingtong pay the price!

Once Ouyang Shao's hand is chopped off because of Luo Qingtong's accountability, the Ouyang family will be furious and will desperately try to Luo Qingtong!

At that time, if you wait for the opportunity to move, Yu Sihuang may not be able to keep Luo Qingtong!

She wants the other party to pay the price for just apologizing!

Originally, Feng Xie decided to keep Luo Qingtong and wait until her plan in the tomb of the Holy King was successful before she let the other person die in endless humiliation and despair.

But now she changed her mind!

She wants Luo Qingtong to die now!

The Ouyang family dare to make her apologize to Luo Qingtong!

She chopped off Ouyang Shao's right hand as a sign of punishment!

If it weren't for the future plans and where they were needed, she would definitely make them pay the entire Ouyang family for the persecutions they had said to themselves!

Feng Xie's eyes were proud and cold.

Suddenly, however, her complexion changed dramatically.

"Pop", where Luo Qingtong's mental power cut past, she and Ouyang Shao's pupillary connection was cut off instantly.

At the same time, Ouyang Shao raised his hand and cut to his right hand.

It was the effort of this meal. Immediately, the actions of the owner of Ouyang, who was too late to catch up, caught up, and he was restrained immediately.


Ouyang's owner almost slap hard and almost did not send Ouyang Shao to the fan.

Angrily, he ordered to the people around him: "Give me back this insidious evil barrier and keep it in the house for reflection!"

The owner of Ouyang is extremely angry.

My son didn't worry about himself so much, he had to chop his hands in front of so many people, which really made them Ouyang's family a joke! 】

After giving Ouyang Shao a slap, he turned angrily to Luo Qingtong and was about to get angry.

At that moment, Luo Qingtong raised her eyebrows, and said lightly: "Major Ouyang and his fiancee are really affectionate. I just let Miss Tonger apologize on his behalf. It ’s really an infatuation to chop your hands! "

"The tutor of the Ouyang family is excellent."

As soon as Luo Qingtong's words came out, the owner of Ouyang was furious.

He instantly remembered that just now Luo Qingtong was no longer ready to investigate the affairs of their Ouyang family. As soon as Feng Xie apologized, the matter would be stopped immediately!

This was caused by Phoenix Kitty!

She should certainly apologize!

Was this decision wrong?

But what happened to Ouyang Shao?

Blatantly disobeying his own order, but also to chop hands for Feng Xie!

Could it be said that the bow of an outsider is not as important as the honor and disgrace of their Ouyang family in his eyes? !!

Really a jerk!

And was he eager to chop his hands, did he deliberately show them to them?

Because he waited for an apology from the doctor, he couldn't stand it? In such a way to disobey yourself and others?

Thinking, the look of Ouyang's owner was instantly furious.

As the patriarch of the top family, he naturally does not allow his son to act against him like this!

And for an outsider!

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