Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1406: Thank you very much!

His anger at Luo Qingtong quickly shifted, and he concentrated on Feng Xie's body.

When the latter's pupillary connection was cut off, the entire body suddenly felt a shock. Before he could react to what was going on, he was stared at by the owner of Ouyang.

Feng Xie's heart was a fierce moment.

She knew that Luo Qingtong must have said something, so that the head of Ouyang's head aimed at herself.

She was about to justify herself, but the owner of Ouyang was already upset and angry by this series of things, and she didn't want to entangle with her anymore. At the moment, she opened her mouth and stopped her. Says, "Well, as our future daughter-in-law of Ouyang's family, don't you think you should do something for our Ouyang family?"

"Now immediately apologize to Ye Jiuzi!"

"Then, leave here!"

The owner of Ouyang really didn't want to see Fengjie again for a moment.

The previous respect and favor for each other, after this series of things, all were completely ruined!

The most important thing is that those things Ouyang Shao did for the other side really challenged his psychological bottom line!

Ouyang's family must not be able to produce a young master who is led by someone else's nose!

And the owner of Ouyang has just such a bitch!

Once others have questioned Ou Yangshao's status as a young master, their pulse will be very passive!

After all, their Ouyang family has passed down in the barren city for many years, and the main line is not only theirs!

The owner of Ouyang was furious and looked at Feng Xie very badly.

If there is a phoenix that is too entangled, and refuses to bow her head to cause a dispute, she will hold her to fulfill this apology.

Fengjie was pale and had to give in.

"Ye Jiuzi, I was just ... sorry!"

She gritted her teeth and lowered her head at Luo Qingtong.

"Miss Mier, have you forgotten anything?"

Luo Qingtong raised her eyebrow and looked at her without saying anything. Hu Yanniang beside her had already said coldly.

"That's right." Luo Qingtong, the imperial star holding the little white cat, said with a smile on her face: "Just as the young master of Ouyang's family said, he has to kneel and apologize!"

"What kind of young lady is this? You apologize, but you are not sincere!"

Yu Xing prayed with a sweet smile on her face, but her eyes looked very cold.

This nasty woman even challenged the young master of Ouyang's family to hit her sister!

If it wasn't for her sister's wit, they would not know how to be persecuted by Ouyang's family!

Royal Star Qi is a little witch-like figure, how can she spare her so easily?

Feng Xie listened to their words, almost all the silver teeth in her mouth were about to bite and bleed.

She slowly knelt down and bowed her head to Luo Qingtong: "Please forgive me, Yejiu!"


Luo Qingtong had not spoken yet, and the next imperial imperial priest had spoken again.

"That's it! Hey, my brother Jiu is too kind! It's okay to make you apologize!"

"If you change to me, it won't be so cheap for you!"

"Now that you have apologized, so be it!"

"By the way, you're not happy yet, thank you my nine brother for your generosity!"

Yu Xingqi said here, and suddenly secretly squeezed a face at Luo Qingtong.

Luo Qingtong looked at it, and almost couldn't help laughing.

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