Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 153: Jianguang vs Jianguang!

A bang.

The black mang that flew from behind them ran directly into the emanating energy of Elder Liu.

Under this heavy blast, the surrounding air burst instantly.

Great wind power exploded.

Aftermaths of the aftermath, bombarded away all around!

Saitama and those martial-level war slaves were lifted away by that violent force, their bodies were crooked and they almost fell to the ground.


Xunyu turned back, wanting to see who saved them, but turned back, but saw Luo Qingtong standing behind them with a dead blade.

No one else but her!

The attack just came from the master?

Saitama and a group of war slaves watched, and the whole man was stunned.

That's the off-body attack that Wuwang Realm can launch!

How did the master do it?

Their eyes, involuntarily, focused on the dead blade in the hands of Luo Qingtong.

This sword ... so powerful? !!

Indeed, Luo Qingtong launched the attack just now with a dead blade!

As early as when the two swords of life and death were obtained, Luo Qingtong was already able to use the dead sword to exert the sword gas attack that can be issued by the King of Wu!

But at that time she was not strong enough! Barely gave only one blow.

This is not the case now!

"Old dog, just because of your strength, you want to grab my sword, it's too much to say!"

Seeing Saitama they were almost killed, Luo Qingtong's eyes were cold and he waved directly.


The sloppy black mang shone like a dead sickle light from the dead blade, chopping forward to Elder Liu.

In the latter, the eyes of Liang Yijian on life and death are already like a hungry wolf.

"Ha ha ha! Good good! Good sword! Peerless sword!"

Elder Liu's inner ecstasy at this moment!

What a surprise this sword gave him!

It was enough to surprise Luo Qingtong before beating Wuhou class powerhouse!

Unexpectedly, it could even allow the strong in the general's realm to launch a sword attack directly, and fight against the strong in the realm of martial arts!

it is good!


Such a peerless baby! Destined to be his!

"Haha! I wanted to save you a life torture! Now I change my mind! You all have to die! Those who have seen this sword! They all have to die!"

Such a peerless sword! Be sure to hide well! Can't let anyone know!

It was right that someone who had let his family go before was killed by this evil doctor!


He laughed and banged, the whole body's breath erupted, and a fiery red sword appeared in his hand instantly.

"Let you see what the real strength of Martial King Realm is! That's not the kind of sword energy you can inspire with a sword!"

During the speech, he raised his hand and waved a wave of sword light several meters long, and instantly excited out of the long sword, and rushed towards Luo Qingtong!

"Master! Be careful!"

Qiuyu looked at her heart tightly.

Although the master can send out the sword light that can only be possessed by the Wuwang realm, she is not the real Wuwang realm!

Can she stop this trick?

Just when their hearts were clenched, two sword lights collided in mid-air!


Luo Jiantong's sword light was suddenly broken!

Seeing that Elder Liu's attack was going straight ahead, Saitama and others couldn't help screaming.

at this time--

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