Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1554: Hitomi Hitomi (6)

Make a secret determination in your heart.

When you find a small silver fox that can replace Yinbao, you must train the other party well, and you ca n’t let it go to Luo Qingtong ’s body.

Especially not to be too close to Luo Qingtong!

Thinking of when he was still Yinbao before, Luo Qingtong was okay, and he liked to kiss and kiss him, and Ye Qianyan's face was dark.

At the time, he was a silver treasure, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and even rejoiced that the girl was close to herself.

This will be replaced by another silver fox ...

Ye Qianxuanguang thought about such a scene, so he felt a bloodthirsty urge from the bottom of his heart, and wanted to tear the other person apart.

"Um." Luo Qing pupil did not notice Ye Qianji's expression.

I heard Yinbao went to see her parents, and she nodded suddenly.

"Okay, when you can, you can pick it up."

She said with a smile: "I made a lot of small toys for it!"

"And a small cape."

Luo Qingtong said, and took out the little things he made for Xiaoyinbao.

Looking at the dazzling objects in her hand, Ye Qianyi's complexion was a little darker.

Nothing else. Most of these things he tried before, Luo Qingtong just changed the shape and pattern.

Thinking of the dark history before him, Ye Qianyan's complexion was just fine.

In my heart, I was determined to absolutely not let Luo Qingtong know that she was Yinbao!

And just when Luo Qingtong was pulling Ye Qianyan with great interest, letting him look at the things he had prepared for Yinbao, the Dayong dynasty, in a dark corner under the gate of the Holy Capital.

A figure wrapped in black all over his body, his eyes were deep and gloomy looking at the direction of the Dayong City Gate in front.

"Master, does the method you said really work?"

There was a cold voice in that figure.

The sound of the sound was extremely pleasant, and it sounded very pleasant.

But this will, because there is too much hatred and suffocation, the voice becomes sharp and gloomy, which sounds very uncomfortable.

It's like someone is scratching the floor with something sharp.

Listening made people shudder from the bottom of my heart.

"Of course it is useful, but that method is too shady! It is a taboo evil method!"

"If you use it, you will definitely pay a terrible price!"

"And in the future, if someone finds out that you are using this taboo evil, you will still be strangled outside the entire domain!"

"Huh! You said it was outside the region!" The figure's voice was cold.

"No one here can tell what taboo evil method I use!"

"What's more ... can I get worse as I am now?"

During the talk, the figure slammed his cloak and drape over him.

Suddenly, a startling scene emerged.

It was a terrible face.

A huge wound almost split the face in half, and then extended to the neck and even under the collarbone.

The flesh over the wound flew, and the bones looked horrible.

He just made a face that looked very noble and gorgeous like a Rakshasa ghost.

Feng Xie stroked the wound on her face and felt the stings on the wound, and her face, which looked like a ghost, was twisted even more instantly.

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