Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1647: To enter the forbidden area

Other people usually change in one part.

It's not like him. The whole person has changed. It's not like a human.

Huang Fuxi thought that Luo Qingtong would be afraid of him.

"Afraid, it won't."

Luo Qingtong looked at the young man in front of him.

The legendary seductive charm is charming and gorgeous.

How can you be so beautiful?

Huang Fuxi has not yet opened this meeting.

When I get older in the future, I'm afraid it will be more beautiful.

Such a person is just pleasing to the eye, what is he afraid of?

Luo Qingtong's complexion was calm.

Seeing that Luo Qingtong's expression did not seem to be false, Huang Fuxi jumped with joy.

"Sister, I knew you were the best!"

He narrowed his eyes with a smile and was very happy in his heart.

He was really afraid that Luo Qingtong would hate him.

But the other party asked about the heart of the emperor, and he didn't want to lie to her, so he could only tell the truth.

Luo Qingtong smiled and didn't speak.

The teenager's concerns were all in her eyes.

But on Earth in the 24th century, she has never seen anything.

What about half demon?

What about inhumans?

Sometimes people ’s hearts are even scarier than demons!


Luo Qingtong's brow raised slightly.

The people in the Sea Emperor Dragon Court actually have the blood of the demons, are they the demons?

The heart of the emperor was afraid that it was also related to the demon tribe.

In this case, it is no wonder that Ye Qianyi will be affected!

He was hit before, but the demon fox blood curse!

I'm afraid that after combining with the light of this emperor's heart, what unpredictable changes have taken place!

If he wants to turn him back into a human form, I'm afraid he has to fall on the heart of this emperor.

Luo Qingtong thought so, and immediately asked: "Xiao Xi, the light of the emperor's heart will appear at the emperor's sacrifice, will it appear at other times?"

"No." Huang Fuxi shook her head.

"The heart of the emperor is in the forbidden area, except that the annual emperor's ritual will emerge from the forbidden area and emit light through the statue of the ancestor."

"Other times, they were silent in the forbidden area, and even my father and the emperor could not drive it."

"So the annual sea emperor festival is so grand and important for our northern region."

For people outside, this is naturally just a grand ceremony.

But for their emperor dragon court, it is a major event for the children of the uncle.

Luo Qingtong heard the words, and immediately frowned.

Can it reappear at the annual Neptune Festival?

How does that work?

Ye Qiandi can't wait that long!

Luo Qingtong's complexion was very simple.

The beastly Ye Qiangyan is too fragile.

One year is too long and too many variables, and no one knows what will happen.

If things in the true Yan continent are okay, if there is something in "the side" where Ye Qianji is ...

Luo Qingtong thought, and suddenly felt in his heart.

No, she has to think of a way to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Emperor's Dragon Court, and lift the fox form of Ye Qianyu at this moment, and let him restore human form!

Luo Qingtong thought and prepared to leave with Huang Fuxi.

She was unwilling to embarrass each other.

Although she said she had no slightest feelings for the emperor's heart, the people of the emperor's dragon court might not believe it.

In this case, don't ask Xiaoxi for help, so as not to hurt him!


If Luo Qingtong did not guess wrong, I'm afraid the three princesses of the emperor have been staring at him all the time, so please ask Xiaoxi for help.

Luo Qingtong thought, he was leaving.

Just then, there was a sound outside.

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