Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1766: Her style!

Channels of gully abyss spread from the ground where it was dropped.

The power of Luo Qingtong's blow is comparable to the holy princehood.

Under the blow of Luo Qingtong, the iron armor of that monster's body has cracks.

It climbed up in anger, and the hair around her body shot at Luo Qingtong--

But it was those hairs that stood like hedgehogs' thorns. At this moment, all of them were detached from their bodies and headed towards Luoqing pupil like a violent blast.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyan frowned slightly.

The attack power of each of these hairs is comparable to that of holy princes. In this way, tens of thousands of hairs are sent together, only for Luo Qingtong to be unable to stop them.

He clenched his fists slightly and was ready to shoot.

Just then, Luo Qingtong's figure was swept out—she rushed towards the monster's figure in front of those hairs.

These tens of thousands of hair attacks, even if it is the Holy King's Realm, must be waited for.

However, for Luo Qingtong, what she was least afraid of was such an intensive attack!

There are so-called ant bites!

However, Luo Qingtong is the elephant who is not afraid of biting by ants!


The blood pupils in her eyes opened to the extreme.

The blood under the eyes was diffused, and her eyes and eyes were completely red.

Under this blood-stained haze, everything in this world seems to be just her foil!


Luo Qingtong's figure rushed to the monster in front of the hair.

The latter has just issued such a powerful attack, and the strength of the whole body is just weak.


In the hands of Luo Qingtong, the two swords of life and death waved straight, and a annihilation shot.

At once, the shape of the two swords of life and death became the dead blade instantly.

The black long sword was as bright as a rainbow, as if the light of death was harvesting, and it was about to hit the inner core of that monster.


Under the control of Luo Qingtong, the huge immortal jade bone in its body was instantly picked out by the long sword in Luo Qingtong's hand!

Suddenly, the monster's mouth uttered an extremely sharp and loud roar.

All the sources of strength in it come from that piece of fairy jade bone.

Without that fairy jade bone, it is just an ordinary mutant monster, and under the sword light of Luo Qingtong, it is simply unbeatable!

For other people, even if they know that there is a fairy jade bone in their body, it is impossible to know where the fairy jade bone is.

You can only forcibly attack it and kill it completely.

In this way, it is possible to find that piece of fairy jade bone.

However, Luo Qingtong's pupil technique allows her to easily see where these fairy jade bones are located, so that she does not need to kill these monsters to get the fairy jade bones inside them!

Without the power of the fairy jade bones, these monsters are naturally vulnerable.

This is unique to Luo Qingtong, and others have no advantage!


Luo Qingtong raised her hand to catch the piece of fairy jade bone that flew into the sky, and the monster screamed fiercely to grab it.

But when the sword light in Luo Qingtong's hand waved out, it directly destroyed it without the jade bone as a source of strength.


The monster's body burst instantly and fell to the ground.

And that huge piece of fairy jade bone also fell on Luo Qingtong's hands.

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