Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1768: Refining and upgrading!

The evil doctor is still improving her strength here. Do you need to wait for her?

"no need."

As if knowing what they were thinking, Ye Qianji's eyes were faintly condensed, Shen said, "She just hunted a monster from the holy land, just let her rest here."

This woman seemed easy to deal with the monster before, but she didn't know how much energy was expended.

What's more, if the space is really, as he guessed, an open passage through the domain, it would be useless for her to go, and it would be better to take a good rest here.

Ye Qianyi thought about immediately and said, "Let's go."

He said with a wave of his hand, and a defensive ray fell instantly into the sky, covering Luo Qingtong and her 100-meter circle.

This is the defensive light condensed by Ye Qianyu's own breath. Unless the strength is above him, no one can break through this defense from the outside and hurt Luo Qingtong.


A group of people swept away in the direction of that space.

And Luo Qingtong was completely immersed in the strength of the fairy jade bone.

This fairy jade bone is really a rare good thing.

After purifying the dead resentment and dead gas in them, all that remains is the lifelong cultivation and understanding of those extraterrestrial powerhouses.

After their death, these powers breathed and remained, and the best part of them formed the jade bone.

At this moment, Luo Qingtong refining and absorbing the power of these fairy jade bones, it seems that he has obtained the collective power of these extraterrestrial strongmen.

Those realms of realm and strength poured continuously into her body, and spontaneously drove the breath in her body back and forth.

The cycle of these breaths of power is all the way of the promotion of powers that those extraterritorial powers have previously explored.

Driven by the breath of these powers, Luo Qingtong's strength crossed almost every strength barrier without any hindrance, and constantly improved.

The breath around her was violently surging.

The power of the pure fairy jade bone has attracted many coveted monsters.

However, before they could get close to Luo Qingtong, they were shattered by the power contained in the night iris in the aperture.

At the moment, those monsters no longer dare to approach Luo Qingtong, and only dared to watch from a distance.

I don't know how long.

"Boom boom!"

Luo Qingtong's breath exploded suddenly.

The energy of her whole body shot violently, and the iris that shrouded her was opened in a moment.


I realized that the terrible layer of power covering her body disappeared. Instantly, the monsters who were watching from afar rushed towards her.


Their bodies stepped heavily on the ground, shaking the sound of ground vibrations.

There was a booming sound all over the ground.

Under such a sound shock, Luo Qingtong's eyes opened suddenly.

Holy home!

The whole body of her trembled suddenly, and then her body exploded.

"Two swords for life and death!"

With the black and white sword in Luo Qingtong's hand, she raised her hand directly.


The monsters in front of them were all under the sword, and they were cut to pieces.

The sky's blood rain burst and the flesh flew across.

Luo Qingtong, however, caught the jade bones that kept falling down with great precision.

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