Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1808: To the hidden land

Sooner or later those people will find this side.

At that time, the existence of the evil doctor is exposed. I don't know how many **** storms we will face.

The identity of the master is doomed to live in peace for those standing next to him.

I don't know if the evil doctor can bear it ...

"Evil Doctor, you need to improve your strength as soon as possible!"

He said secretly in his heart.

After all, those people can't deal with the master and will inevitably point their finger at her ...

The position of the master is not ordinary people can stand.

Moreover, I can't stand it!


Luo Qingtong did not "cultivate" in the Imperial City for a long time.

After helping Saitama to purify all the jade bones they had hunted before, she left here with Ye Qianyu and went to the hidden land.

She is going to check the Beastmaster's Valley to find out about Luo Jinghong.

If not, Luo Qingtong will surely wait for Saitama to improve their strength before going to the hidden land together.

After all, another month after the riot of breath in the land of the Fairy Land erupted, it was when the breath shrouded in the Fairy Land weakened.

At that time, it was the best time to enter the fairyland.

It is also the time when the powerful men in the hidden land enter the treasure hunt once a year to try their luck.

With Saitama's current strength, they can go inside and try it out, what if they gain something?

However, there are still many monsters in the space at the bottom of the cliff.

Xiuyu would be better experienced in them than going to the hidden world, plus Luo Qingtong was this time because he had come alone in advance, so he did not bring them.


The figures of Luo Qingtong and Ye Qianxuan disappeared between the channel between Zhenyan continent and the hidden land.

The hidden land is the gateway to the extraterrestrial and true Yan continent, and the realm of the true Yan continent.

That thin barrier is not as difficult to break as outside the domain.

As long as the strength is above the sanctuary, you can tear it into it.

If Luo Qingtong had not gone to the Northern Territory before, then something happened in the Southern Territory, she would have been in the hidden land.

However, for Luo Qingtong, this delay is only good, not bad.

Not to mention, her strength has been raised to the holy realm.

Not only that, she also got news related to Luo Jinghong.

Although it is not certain that the person who is being controlled by the Valley of the Beast King is Luo Jinghong, there is better news than no news!

Luo Qingtong hasn't told this to Master Luo and Queen Mother Xi.

After all, things haven't been settled yet, telling them too early will inevitably make them even more disappointed under the hope!


If that person is really Luo Jinghong, he is chased and killed by those who control Yuguwanggu, and he doesn't know what happened at the end.

Before this matter was fully understood, Luo Qingtong was not prepared to disclose it to Father Luo and Queen Mother Xi. They knew it.

I hope the end result is good, otherwise I'm just afraid grandpa and grandma can't bear it ...

Luo Qingtong's eyes were slightly condensed.

The figure of a group of people appeared in the hidden land, and then quickly swept away in the direction of the Beastmaster Valley.

Before Luo Qingtong came here, he had already asked Wu Yuezhen about the situation and terrain of the hidden land, and he was not completely new to this place.

At this time, among the Beastmaster Valley, the owner of Beastmaster Valley is furious.


"A bunch of waste!"

"It's been this long, and I haven't found any clues about the killer. What do I want you to do?"

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