Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1862: Are you leaving?

How much time is wasted?

Seven days was the limit he could accept.

But he said it very skillfully.

Listening to others' ears is like he is thinking about Luo Qingtong, so he will reduce time.

If this is a different person, maybe he would be grateful to Ded, and he would die.

But standing here is Luo Qingtong!

She sneered and watched the Lord of the Beast Master Gu Gu doing the play there, and didn't care.

The other person wants to use her, she just wants to use her.

Entering the beast garden, entering the beast garden, Luo Qingtong was too lazy to continue entanglement with Fang Jingyu.

"Okay, thank you Lord Gu!"

Luo Qingtong pretended to be very happy.

Master of the Beastmaster Gu Gu nodded with satisfaction.

The other side is very naive, which is good.

It didn't take long before he thought about it, he would be able to find the secret about her beast control method from the other side!


A birthday banquet was finally lonely in a mess.

Fang Jinglian became the biggest joke.

At the birthday banquet, the demon monster to be contracted died. Not only that, but the mental strength was also wasted. It is no longer possible to contract the demon monster and become a beastmaster.

In the Valley of the Beastmaster, not being able to become a Beastmaster, represents a decline in her status.

Even if Fang Jingxiui was the daughter of the valley owner, she also found that people around her looked at her wrongly.

Before these people looked at her with envy and respect.

It all turned into glee and pride.

The only remaining respect was not directed at her.

It was because she had a father behind her.



In the room, Fang Jingming smashed the furnishings in his room fiercely, and looked angrily at the maid beside him like an evil spirit.

"What about that bitch? Have you been to the beast garden ?!"

Fang Jingming's heart was very angry.

She now looks like this, all of which are Luo Qing pupils!

Wait until the other party goes to the beast garden and see how she packs her up!

"Already ... ready to go! Would you like me to urge?"

The waitress serving Fang Jing's side was very reluctant.

After Fang Jingmin's mental strength was abolished, he became very moody.

She was so miserable that she desperately wanted to escape.

"Hum! Go!"

Fang Jing's voice was cold.

"She got there, come back and tell me immediately!"

"Also, call me the director of the beast garden!"

At that time, she must let Luo Qingtong have a good taste!


The maid left in a hurry.


At this time, Luo Qingtong's room.

She looked at the girl across from her.

"You going?"

Yun Xi came to say goodbye to her,

She will leave the Valley of the Beastmaster and go home.


Yun Xi nodded.

The girl in white was very pure, but she looked helpless but helpless.

"Can't stay."

After the birthday banquet, various people came to her for trouble.

Yun Xi knew it well, because she had given proof of Luo Qingtong at her birthday party.

These were all good things before, it was something that made her show her face.

But after Luo Qingtong offended Fang Jingyu, these became the reasons for others to deal with her.

Those people did not dare to deal with Luo Qingtong, and wanted to please Fang Jingjing, so naturally they could only deal with her.

But Yun Xi does not blame Luo Qingtong.

After all, it was her own choice to stand up and testify for Luo Qingtong.

This is now the way she chooses, no one can blame others.

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