Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1963: This is a big deal, no kidding!

What's more, in order to humiliate Luo Qingtong and others, he used aura to amplify his voice to hundreds of meters around him. He could hear it clearly.

Under such circumstances, how can Chen Tong hide it?

There is no way but to do as the Supreme Master Dean said.

Suddenly, Elder Chen Tong lay on the ground as a dog and climbed around Tian Yuanzong three laps. In Tian Yuanzong, he walked wildly.

Chen Tong's face was lost!

On the request of the elders, President Tai Shang became the first disciple of Tian Yuanzong again.

Hearing this news, Chen Tong was so angry that he vomited three liters of blood and lay in the room for nearly half a month. Only then did he hear that the breath of the fairy land was weak, and when he was about to open, he just got up and went to Xianzhu place.

He had missed the opportunity in the past and could not miss the opening of the Fairy Land.

Otherwise, let the Supreme Master Dean have any chance, he really is all over.

Among them, Luo Qingtong was even more hated by Chen Tong than the dean.

If it wasn't for the other party, the dean of the Supreme Court would not be so relaxed under his calculations.

Not to mention being able to back him up!

However, who knows, it is a step wrong, and the result is step by step!

He underestimated Luo Qingtong, and then was stunned by the opponent.

Chen was short of breath.

But Luo Qingtong is a person who is able to treat the injury of white pigment.

A group of elders from Tianyuanzong guarded her, and even Bai Suqing asked to honor the elder order of Keqing.

He can't take the other party at all!

The identity of Elder Tian Yuanzong has no advantage in front of each other!

Thinking of Chen Tong was even more furious.

And when it was learned that Luo Qingtong was likely to hit him intentionally, the anger and resentment in that heart went straight to the sky!


He clenched his fist fiercely, looking at Luo Qingtong's eyes red, panting angrily.

Luo Qingtong was too lazy to bother him.

Chen Tong would not pose a threat to her.

In this day, Yuanzong was not easy to use. When she entered the land of Xianzhu, she had to deal with him.

And Chen Tong was thinking the same.

Elder Honor Ke Qing could at most protect Luo Qingtong. When he entered the land of immortals, there were many crises around him. He had more opportunities to kill each other.

Hold back!

Chen Tong's anger in his heart forcibly suppressed the anger in his eyes and lowered his head.

And Luo Qingtong, at this meeting, has also said that he was able to resolve the mysterious force in the restricted area under the enquiry of Tianyuan Sovereign.

In the hearts of a group of elders, when Luo Qingqing was cured of Bai Suqing's injuries, he already had some speculation, and he was excited when he heard the words.

It was only when Luo Qingtong said that Bai Suqing's strength recovery and growth was not what she did, and everyone was a little disappointed.

After all, if Luo Qingtong can really do this, the restricted area in the future will no longer be a restricted area.

Instead, it will be a place where they exercise and temper themselves.

However, their disappointment did not last long, because Bai Suqing said something about purifying the fairy jade bone.

Suddenly, the elders of Tian Yuanzong suddenly stood up.

"Su Qing, you know, this is a big deal! You can't make a joke!"

An elder Tianyuanzong said cautiously.

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