Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 1977: Don't bet on him

Ye Qianya's complexion was faint.

There was a smile in his eyes when he looked at Luo Qingtong, but then when he looked at Fang Jingying and others, his eyes were full and cold.

The gesture under his robe sleeve hit slightly.

Bei Qing and Feng Yu understood, and immediately began to send a signal to mobilize the black domain strong outside!

Fang Jinglian, after Luo Qingtong said this round, she was already ecstatic when she won.

"Ha ha! Luo Qingtong, I know you dare not gamble!"

She was right bet!

Luo Qingtong really did not dare to swear by this man!

However, Fang Jingxi still had some regrets.

After all, Luo Qingtong did not swear with Ye Qianji, she could not separate the feelings between the two of them.

But it doesn't matter, the same is true for Luo Qingtong's death!

Fang Jingyi thought so, and suddenly smiled proudly and proudly.

The smile was full of malice.

"So, do you admit that everything before you is all a lie?"


Luo Qingtong's face was faint.

She looked at Fang Jingjing with her arms around her chest, her lips angled slightly, and she could not speak in a careless manner.

"I did deliberately bring trouble to you to control the Valley of the Beastmaster."

As soon as Luo Qingtong's words came out, everyone in the surrounding area was in an uproar.

Luo Qingtong turned out to be deliberately marrying the beastmaster valley?

That being said, what was said by the Lord of the Beast Master Gu Gu is true?

She deliberately mingled into the Valley of the Beastmaster, gaining the trust of the Valley of the Beastmaster, and then turned the Valley of the Beastmaster upside down, and then went to Tianji Palace to marry the Valley of Beastmaster ...

She did all this? !!

There was a mystery in everyone's mind.

How old is Luo Qingtong?

And her strength ...

The crowd looked at Luo Qingtong's breath, and it was clearly the Holy King Realm.

How did she do that? !!

The faces of all were shocked.

The master of the Beastmaster Gugu, this will also reflect over.

"Haha! Bitch, you finally admit it!"

In the heart of the master of the Beastmaster Gu Gu, the inexplicable brows exhaled.

This slut, he had no idea what he had said before!

This will finally allow her to admit that these are the ones she brought to trouble them to control the Valley of Beastmasters!

Beastmaster Gu Guzhu's heart was excited.

"Quiet, good job!"

He laughed loudly.

Then he looked at Luo Qingtong with a grimace and forced to ask, "You not only blame us, that treasure map of the fairy land is also on you ?!"

The beastmaster Guguzhu's complexion is overcast.

He had been carrying the black pot for so long before, but now the truth of the matter is finally to be revealed!


The corners of Luo Qingtong's lips slightly tilted.

She nodded. "That treasure map is indeed in my hands."

Luo Qingtong knew that after confessing to marry the Beastmaster Valley, the whereabouts of that treasure map would naturally be hidden.

Therefore, there is no denial.

Hearing that everyone around him had his eyes wide open.

"Oh my God……"

The dean was too shocked by the development of this series of events.

Luo Qingtong is not only night pupil!

And those words she said before were all false!

It's for marrying the beastmaster valley!

Not only that, but the treasure map of the fairyland that was so coveted was in her hands? !!

Oh my God!

What did the evil doctor Xiao Waer say is true or false? !!

She didn't swear because she didn't take Ye Qianji, so she confessed these things on purpose!

This is really not a joke!

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