Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 2084: The world is shaking! (3)

"She thought it would be a bad idea to take that treasure map, but now such a change in the restricted area!"

"I'm afraid that you don't need a treasure map to find the treasure that is coveted by many extraterrestrial powerhouses!"

"That **** is waiting to watch us Yu Yu Wang Gu Gong become famous in the ground!"

"At that time, I will have to wipe out everyone involved with her!"

Master Beastmaster Gugu's eyes were cold and ruthless.

He doesn't care if Luo Qingtong's name is true or false, whether she's called Yetong or Luo Qingtong.

It doesn't matter.

After he got the treasure and left the fairy land, it was necessary to kill all the people related to her night pupil and Luo Qingtong!

Looking at her relationship with the first disciple of Tian Yuanzong, Zhu Yi, the other party must know her true identity.

From the secular land of Zhenyan mainland?

Then he will baptize all the places and people related to her in the whole secular land!

Everything, chickens and dogs do not stay!


A group of people rushed towards the center of the restricted area of ​​the Fairy Land.

And other places in the Fairy Land, and other fluctuations in the center of the restricted area were also detected by everyone.


Where Tian Yuanzong's people went through, Saitama, Su Xiaoxiao, and others would jointly kill a corpse screaming at them.

Saitama and Thunder Beast and Yuan Xiaoba Wang are responsible for their defense, and Sima Jue and Ling Tianhan are responsible for their killing.

The corpse was soon killed.

Saitama also suffered minor injuries and adjusted their breath rate while taking Su Xiaoxiao's medicine solution specially prepared for them.

If the injuries were too severe, they should take the elixir left by them before Luo Qingtong.

People are recovering their strength there.

And at this time, the whole place of the fairy land was shaken.

A group of people in Tianyuanzong fighting with other corpses were also in this shock, looking in the direction of the shock.

"It's a restricted area!"

Bai Suqing and Dean Shang looked at each other.

Tianyuan Sovereign and others also noticed the source of the shock.

Looking at the black mist around it, it stirred a lot, forming a black vortex that can kill people, completely ignore the breath of the fairy jade bone, the complexion of the Emperor Tianyuan and others was very calm.

"Let's go and see!"

Suddenly there was such a big shock in the restricted area, I was afraid it was extraordinary.

Could it be a treasure in the restricted area, with movement?

A group of people thought this way, and suddenly their hearts moved.

Tian Yuanzong's people have been searching for the whereabouts of Luo Qingtong.

But the scenes in this fairyland are too dangerous, and they dare not walk randomly.

Originally, I thought that I would practice for a while in the place where people and others used to practice in the past, and then went to the restricted area to see if Luo Qingtong would go there.

After all, the girl was pregnant with that treasure map and didn't make sense to let go of it.

Otherwise, they will not be settled with them before.

I just didn't expect that they hadn't waited for them to go near the restricted area.

A crowd rushed towards the center of the restricted area.

Along the way, I don't know how many doors were encountered, all of them headed for the restricted area.

And outside the fairy land.

The Lord of the Star Alliance Hall, who has always been outside, also felt the change in the land of fairy tales.

I saw the immense center of the immortal land, and suddenly swept a huge hurricane of aura.

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