Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 2282: Learn without a teacher, share inscripti

Song Cheng thought, and immediately let go of his mind, and let the things that broke into his mind be directly implanted in his soul.

When this thing went deep into his soul, Song Cheng didn't know what it was.

Instantly, he took a sharp breath.

"Oh my God!"

His eyes were shocked and he was looking inside his mind.

I saw a blood-colored seed spinning rapidly in his mind.

One of the explanations and demonstrations about the inscriptions in simple language appeared in his mind in every detail.

Song Cheng watched the blood-colored seed spin, and only felt that the explanations and demonstrations related to the inscription completely penetrated his heart and soul, and was deeply carved into his mind.

It's difficult for Song Cheng to explain that feeling. He only knew that the **** seed made by Luo Qingtong made him understand and understand all the lines of the inscription suddenly.


As the blood-colored seed swirled, Song Cheng received the indoctrination of inscriptions, and his heart shook to the extreme.

This is the inscription talent!

In other words, this is Luo Qingtong's knowledge of inscription technique, but at this moment, instilled in himself!

Song Cheng just felt like he had no master in a flash!

It wasn't until the blood on the eyes of Luo Qingtong disappeared that he recovered.

"Anyone ..."

Song Cheng did not call out that brother's character for a long time.

What did Luo Qingtong do to him?

How did he feel like he knew the inscriptions in a moment?

He knew all the inscriptions in that **** seed!


Luo Qingtong looked at him with a chuckle, interrupting his stutter.

"You can now try to control the coercion in this inscription tower."

Luo Qingtong's face was faint, and the face hidden under the golden mask still showed 120,000 wickedness and intent even if he could not see it.

What she just did to Song Cheng was the latest pupil technique she learned this time-sharing!

Share any knowledge and skills she can understand.

As long as what she realizes can be shared with those around her.

Let the other person have the same understanding and talent as her!

But such sharing is time-bound.

With Luo Qingtong's current strength, sharing the inscriptions learned by Song Cheng himself can last up to three hours.

That's six hours.

But this should be enough for Song Cheng to break the tower and win!

Song Cheng's heart was shocked and happy.

He looked at Luo Qingtong, then tried to stand up and took a step forward.


As his body stepped forward, the power of the first floor of the surrounding inscription tower rushed towards him.

Then the next second, Song Cheng stood firmly!

He stopped!

Song Cheng almost wept.

He is almost struggling in this layer.

It's all because of his inadequate talent for inscriptions.

Song Cheng himself knew this.

But Mingwen's talent was given by God, and he couldn't change it at all.

Even if he put in more effort than others and his talents are not good, he will block all the ways he can ascend.

But this time, with the help of the scarlet seed implanted by Luo Qingtong in his mind, Song Cheng's insights and understanding of the inscription technique have been improved!

He resisted, these coercive breaths!

And ... without the slightest reluctance or difficulty!

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