Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 2293: Hitomi

However, Leng Yuming, the owner of Wencheng City, and others did not even realize that Luo Qingtong and Song Cheng were close.

When practicing the new inscriptions, you must be attentive and attentive!

And the Leng Yuming City Master and others did not expect other people to board the fifth floor.

They stopped all the people in Tianfeng Mingwen City on the third floor.

In this case, they have no fear that someone will rush into the fifth floor to disturb them.

Therefore, all of them relaxed their vigilance and concentrated on practicing their newly learned inscriptions.

"The breath of power in the inscription tower is really very useful."

A senior Mingwen Master in Lengyu Mingwen City sighed.

In his hands, the lines of inscriptions were formed one after another, and soon they came together into a complete inscription.

However, when the final meeting was about to succeed, he seemed to be a little uncertain. Instantly, the inscription line in his hand was drawn crooked.

In an instant, the inscription pattern that was about to take shape disintegrated in his hands.

The senior Mingwen Master of Lengyu Mingwen City simply didn't care, he just shook his hand and continued to draw the lines of Mingwen again.

If it were outside, without a certain amount of rest, it would simply not be possible.

But in this inscription tower, they can practice indefinitely, until their mental strength is exhausted and their energy is exhausted.

In this case, the improvement of Mingwen Masters is very obvious.

Because when they upgrade the inscription technique, the skill and use of the inscription is very important.

Only fully skilled and mastered the inscription pattern needed for this level.

They were able to attack the higher level inscriptions.

Otherwise, a random mistake may cause them to collapse and disintegrate when drawing the inscription pattern.

Just like the senior Mingwen Master of Lengyu Mingwen City.

Not only that, if they are not proficient enough, they will not even know the higher-level inscription patterns, and how those lines are arranged in combination!

Inscriptions are definitely not that simple.

The senior inscription masters in Lengyu Mingwen City enjoyed the depiction and drawing in this fifth floor.

Their level of inscriptions has reached a level. Without the assistance of inscription towers, it may not be able to break through for ten or even decades.

But this time, with the help of the breath of the power of the inscription tower, their understanding of the respective inscription technique quickly deepened.

If nothing else, they should soon break through their realms this time.


Another senior Mingwen Master in Lengyu Mingwen City sighed after the words of the former Mingwen Master.

He laughed and laughed: "This kind of baby should be our Leng Yuming Wencheng. The garbage in Tianfeng Mingwen City should be desperate in the third floor, right? Hahaha!

This time, Mingwen Tower is definitely ours! When we get the inscription tower, we can still see their desperate self-defeating inscription technique, which is great! "

"Yeah! This trick of our city owner is really high!"

"In the future, we will never be afraid that the people of Tianfeng Mingwen City will be able to **** this Mingwen Tower!"

"People in Tianfeng Mingwen City used Songcheng's gambling contract to recover 10%!"

"This will let us know what it means to be helpless and hopeless!"

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Luo Qingtong brought Song Cheng to the back of a senior inscription master of Leng Yuming.

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