Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 2300: When the pit man is progressing (7)

It is said that the president of the Federation of Mingwen Division has tried it, but there is no way to step into it.

But it is because of this that the thing he wants can be kept in it and not taken away.

The Master Chen thought, and he was not so angry.

"It seems that I can only wait until the people in Lengyu Mingwen City get this inscription tower before trying to find out what is in it."

He thought so, and immediately he got up from the ground, wiped off the blood on his lips, and closed his eyes to rest there.

In this inscription tower, it is almost impossible for anyone to win him.

The sixth floor of this inscription tower, except for the owner of the sky wind inscription city, no one can come up at all.

The latter, as early as the last battle of Mingwen Tower, blew its own brand.

Not to mention that he didn't come this time. Even if he came, he only had the abused part. It was impossible for him to compete with himself.

Not to mention the last lesson, this time, I will never let the other party have any chance to come back.

After all, if the thing in the inscription tower is not taken out one day, it will be easy to be discovered one day!

By then, he had worked so hard to conceal his identity, and came to such a low-level Mingwen city to win the Mingwen Tower, but he did it for nothing!

When this master Chen closed his eyes and recuperated, recovering his wounds in the body, not far from the sixth floor of the Mingwen Tower, Luo Qingtong's eyes narrowed and looked at his direction.

"This man in black turned out to be a level-level spirit seal!"

Xiaoxiang whispered softly on her shoulder.

"Fortunately, you haven't been reckless, just fight him up directly, otherwise we're going to be bad!"

When Xiaoxiang Pig saw that Master Chen was confronted with the light of the seventh-level entrance, the breath of inscription strength spreading around him was also startled.

The level of inscription ability of the Tian Ling Ling Master, the other party's status in the Inscription Master Federation will not be low, how can it suddenly appear in the Tian Feng Ming Wen City, and also fight for the inscription for the people of Leng Yu Ming Wen City tower.

It stands to reason that this Mingwen Tower will not help him at all!

If the nine-layered Mingwen Tower in the Mingwenshi Federation of Trade Unions would be of some help to him.

"He's here, there is definitely a conspiracy."

It whispered in front of Luo Qingtong.

The latter glanced at it and didn't bother to care about it at all.

Does this still use it to say? She also saw it!

Otherwise, how could this day-level Lingji appear here?

Luo Qingtong was also thinking about knowing himself and knowing one another, and he was not war-torn, so he just sneaked in deliberately. He didn't startle the man in black and wanted to see what he was doing here.

If the other party wanted to get that person's martial-level war-inscription mark, she might as well spoil it, and never expected to see such a scene.

"This Master Chen wants to get something in this seventh layer."

Luo Qingtong's eyes narrowed slightly, looking in the direction of the seventh floor entrance.

Wherever she looked, her blood pupil was dangling slightly, and she wanted to see through the scene.

However, the light shrouding the entrance of the seventh floor was too strong, and Luo Qingtong could not see it for a while.

And the master Chen was sitting near the entrance, and she couldn't walk over to take a closer look, nor could she urge her pupils here.

Otherwise, she didn't see the entrance on the seventh floor, but she shocked the other side, and it was troublesome.

And while Luo Qingtong was staring ...

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