Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 2759: Mo Zhu Ling's Hate (1)

Hearing this voice, Mo Zhuling tightened his palms instantly.

She turned her head blankly, watching the dark mist that appeared in the air, and said coldly, "I've been looking, haven't you seen?"

"Hum, you better find her as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, don't blame the transaction between us!

"Don't forget how you have this healthy body."

The sound of this black fog exited, and Mo Zhuling's eyes instantly showed extreme hatred.

She had been completely abolished by Situ Meier before, and the whole person was paralyzed on the bed like a ball of rotten meat, unable to speak or move her hands.

The pain in and around her was like an ant eating her heart, eating her day and night, struggling with extremely terrible pain.

No one can be like Mo Zhuling. All the bones, flesh and bones and the internal organs of the body are photographed into a pool of mud, and there is only one skin and body intact, which can survive.

But she just survived, and she couldn't die anyway!

Mo Zhuling prayed to her father countless times, and the Star League leader killed her.

The latter also couldn't bear to see her being tortured in this way, and she was going to kill her so that she could be relieved.

But in her body, where the heart veins were, there was a trace of strength that Situ Meier broke into her body.

This power allows her to live for a long time, and unless she can destroy the power that the other party broke into her heart, she can't die no matter what.

Situ Meier is a strong player in Tianwu Realm. How can the Star Alliance leader be able to destroy her power left in Mo Zhuling?

So it can only be powerless.

Just when Mo Zhuling's heart was completely desperate, this black mist appeared.

It allowed her to deal with Luo Qingtong, and it restored her strength and action.

Mo Zhuling was already calling Tian Tian Shao Ying, and the ground was not working, and because of her current situation, she hated Luo Qingtong extremely.

Because he also admires that handsome man like Tianshen, why can Luo Qingtong enjoy the meticulous protection of the other party?

Not only was she safe and sound, but Zhenyan Continent was under the protection of that man and was unharmed.

But myself, but struggling in such hell-like misery and pain?


Mo Zhuling's heart was full of hate.

She could not retaliate against Situ Meier.

Because of the identity and strength of those people, she couldn't handle it at all.

But she can deal with Luo Qingtong!

Not only that, Zhenyan mainland was also the object of her revenge.

She wants Luo Qingtong to die better than life, and she also wants to live because of those people who really dominate the mainland!

She had to try all the pains she had tasted on Luo Qingtong!

Let Luo Qingtong know her pain and boundless hatred.

At the same time, let the man who loves and protects Luo Qingtong know what pain and regret are!

With such an idea, Mo Zhuling agreed to the deal with Heiwu.

She helps the other party to deal with Luo Qingtong and Zhenyan Continent, while the other party helps her to regain her strength and body so that her serious injuries can be cured.

And the other side did just that.

This will hear the black mist mentioning the transaction between them, Mo Zhuling's heart was shocked and angry, and hatred.

She should never return to the situation where life was worse than death.

She wants to live well, and then revenge Luo Qingtong!

Let that woman lose everything, just as miserable as her, and let the man regret it at the beginning, anguish!

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