Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 2770: Seven True Truths (6)

Because that was the first force created by Luo Qingtong.

One day into the sky evil, they will be the sky evil people all their lives!

No matter where they go, no matter what other people call them, they are all evil, they are the boss!

At this moment, Yuanhu laughed coldly as he looked at the screaming senior mainland man.

He's in a bad mood right now, these senior mainland people are really trying to die!


"It's too bullying, isn't it? I think so!"

What's special, Xiaoxiao is going to give these people a round!

There is also anger in their hearts to vent!

These rubbish, it may be said that their boss, Shenlong, never sees the end, or maybe it is a waste of rubbish, so they dare not come out to see people!

These words completely angered Yuanhu and others.

Otherwise, if they are busy practicing and improving their strengths, where do they have time to take care of the garbage that is full of nothing to do?

Since they are so eager to find death, they naturally have to wait for them!

Who doesn't know, Zhenyan Qi must be the only boss in their hearts.

It is their heart, the only inverse scale!

Scolding them is okay. They are too busy practicing, maybe they bother to ignore them.

But scolding their boss, even if it is just a casual derogation, they have to be dealt with endlessly!

The former Qinghong continent was like this. The name of the continent was changed by Yuan Hu and others, and even the entire continent was forced to withdraw from the Xingmeng Academy.

You will not be able to enter it later.

Because Yuanhu and others said it and saw them abused once!

Tortured until they dare not appear in the Star Alliance Academy again!

At that time, the Yuan Tigers were far from their current fame and current strength.

Using blood and mud completely, he stubbornly beat the people of Qinghong mainland down.

At this point, World War I became famous!

Boss's reputation is not to be humiliated!

All of her must not be blasphemed by others!

At this moment, Yuan Hu sneered and looked at the line of senior continents, twirling his fists, twisting his neck, and whispering coldly, "You think Xiaoxiao is not good enough to abuse you, right? "

"I mean it too!"

He smiled so coldly, "No matter how abnormal, that guy is just a pharmacist!"

"These alchemy attacks are vain. Where is the thrill of our fist to flesh, you say yes?"

"Come and come! Let's go up together and let you know what spring-like warmth is, do you say OK?"

The whole body bleeds, the blood flows into the river, and they lie in it, naturally warm!

Yuan Hu said this, grinning, and seeing in the eyes of a group of people on the opposite continent, it was more terrifying and terrifying than the rebirth of a demon.

They have always known that those who are truly unremarkable value their boss who has never been seen before.

This time, he also deliberately used this person to stimulate Yuanhu and others to agree to the challenge.

But when things came to an end, they discovered that Yuan Hu and others valued that boss more than their imagination.

You know, Yuanhu and others have faced challenges before, but they have never dispatched them all.

It is usually a one-on-one battle against others.

And they have become accustomed to such a way of fighting against each other, thinking that they will never shoot together.

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