Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 2779: Pitman approach

That's where the virtual mirror array is.

The 108 spirit mirrors shined at the same time, forming a huge beam of light on top of their heads.

And in the beam of light, it is the virtual mystery formed by them.

Although it is said to be a virtual mystery, in fact, all the attacks inside are real!

It was an attack from the spirit mirror.

Because only in this way can we achieve the effect of experience.

Otherwise, there is no harm, and there is no sense of urgency and danger when entering the secret training game.

Nature has no effect.

However, these spirit mirrors will check the state of the entrant, and once the opponent is seriously injured, they will be teleported, so there is no danger to life.

If not, the elders of these Star Leagues will not rest assured that Su Xiaoxiao and others will participate in such a test.

But they didn't know. At this moment, an invisible light flew from outside and rushed into the mirror array.

The strength and ability of the opponent is not at all tied by the mirror array.

And Luo Qingtong stood far away in this special area, watching the invisible light rush into the mirror array, and instantly the **** light in her eyes flashed fiercely.


She raised her hand to summon the little fragrant pig.

The latter would sleep lazily in the Nine Dragons Exquisite Tower, and by the way supplement her strength, feeling her calling, she almost did not fall from the air.

"What's wrong ?! Is there any danger?"

It looked around, looking like it was ready to move.

Luo Qingtong's face was not angry.

"Relax, it's not dangerous!"

This guy, can she only find it if she is in danger?

"Ha, ha ..." Xiaoxiang pig laughed, and quickly shifted the question: "Master, what are you doing to me?"

Call her master whenever there is a guilty conscience, and it is so sweet, Luo Qingtong's face is haha!

However, she did not care about this with Xiaoxiang pig, this would be the time to do business.

"That mirror array, can you get in?"

When Luo Qingtong arrived, the mirror array was already open, and Su Xiaoxiao and Ling Tianhan had already entered it.

Moreover, even if they did not enter it, Luo Qingtong would not be able to prevent Ling Tianhan from entering them without knowing what was dangerous inside.

They fought for her reputation, and she could not let them give up the opportunity to compete with others for unwarranted threats and give up on the spot.

This is both an insult to Ling Tianhan and their disrespect.

What's more, if you give up, you must fulfill your bet.

Ling Tianhan, they are unlikely to cheat, even if the elders of the Star League defend them.

Therefore, Luo Qingtong will not prevent them from entering.

But the light just now ...

Luo Qingtong's eyes were slightly condensed.

If she is right, Mo Zhuling can deal with Xiaoxiao's reliance!

She can't let the other party hurt Su Xiaoxiao just like that.

Luo Qingtong's voice sounded. Suddenly, Xiaoxiang pig also saw the huge mirror array.


It nodded and said, "Just let the little gang get you in. It's the beast, and all the space and enchantments can let it shuttle."

Its voice sounded, and Luo Qingtong had raised his hand to summon the dumplings.

However, after listening to the way the regiment sent her in, Luo Qingtong's lip angle was fierce.

Is this guy intentional?

The way it says is too pit? !!

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