Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3036: 曈 曈 Regression (1)

Yan Niang smiled and introduced Yan Qing's pupil to Luo Qing.

From the beginning to the completion of this royal palace, in less than half a month, it is the strongest building in the entire Zhenyan continent, and even the entire Xinghuang area, comparable to the Star Alliance headquarters.

Luo Qingtong listened, and immediately smiled.

At this time, a group of soldiers suddenly appeared in the direction of the royal palace in front of them. They were flying towards this side, and they were about to inspect their carriages to keep them away from here.

However, before the soldiers approached the carriage, the leading officer among them looked at the carriage, the face of Luo Qingtong's exposed face was dumb, and then the whole person's complexion became incomparable instantly. Red and excited.

"It is Her Royal Highness!"

"Quick! Quick! Her Majesty, it is Her Royal Highness that is back!"


"Bell the bell!"

His voice was hysterical, almost incoherent.

And the soldiers who flew towards this side all lost their body in an instant, and then looked at Luo Qingtong with great surprise and tremor.

When they saw the face that made them familiar with it, almost everyone had red eyes, and then shouted with excitement: "His Royal Highness is back!"

"His Highness is back!"

"His Royal Highness is back!"

The voices of people spread and trembled in this silent palace territory, slowly flying to the distance.

Then, throughout the palace territory, it was as if somebody suddenly held down a switch.

Suddenly, in the whole silent dark sky, thousands of lights were lit.

Countless soldiers and generals, servant generals, all wake up in an instant, from the dark silent night.

Almost in one breath, countless people came out from all directions!

All of them looked excitedly in the direction of Luo Qingtong.

At this time, in the direction of the palace, slamming, the huge bronze door was pushed open from the inside to the outside,

Later, Luo's body was messy, half a robe was hung on his body, and the shoes on his feet were lost, and appeared in Luo Qingtong's sight.

"Clear pupil!"

Seeing the figure of the carriage appearing in his own sight, and the person on the carriage that made him feel uneasy during this time, thinking about the day and night, the eyes of Father Luo became red.

He rushed towards Luo Qingtong, rushing towards him, not even the remaining shoe, directly lifting his leg and kicking, barefoot and ran towards Luo Qingtong.

Behind him was the queen of tears, the queen mother Yan Xi who ran out in a hurry.

"Clear pupil!"

The two of them rushed towards Luo Qingtong one after the other.

Luo Qingtong also jumped down from the carriage and greeted them.



Luo Qingtong hugged the two of them. Instantly, the tears in the eyes of Father Luo suddenly fell down.

"You stinky girl."

While wiping his tears, he waved his hands and slammed into Luo Qingtong's head.

"As soon as I walked so long, my grandpa was dying."

"How is it going outside? It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, is there any grievance?"

Mr. Luo stunned Luo Qingtong, and the tears in his eyes fell almost constantly.

It is said that the man does not cry easily, but he has not reached the sad spot.

Mr. Luo's tears could not stop.

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