Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3038: 惊喜 A big surprise! (1)

When their hearts were shocked, Luo Qingtong had entered the palace together with Father Luo and others.

She backed away from the others, only standing in the hall with Father Luo and Empress Yan Xi, and then with a playful smile on Father Luo, she took out the good things in her storage ring.

"Grandpa, grandma, you see, these are all good things I get from the outside."

Luo Qingtong's gains in the sky are not small this time.

Although in Tianfeng Mingwen City, because of walking in a hurry, I could not get anything.

But later in the mercenary city and in the abandoned continent, she made a fortune.

These two places, one is the gathering place of three religions and nine streams in the sky.

There are all kinds of stars, continents and levels.

Among them, many things suitable for the use of Qi Ba Xing and Jiu Xing Xing are used by Luo Qingtong.

Later in the abandoned continent, Luo Qingtong got what Chu Xiaofeng gave them again.

Those things can only be owned by the children of the Tianfeng Chu family.

Each one is the top resource of Liuxingxing.

Not to mention those Linghua Lingcao resources that Luo Qingtong cut off.

However, those resources, Luo Qingtong, have other uses, so they will not be taken out.

She already thought about how to arrange those flowers and grass.

What's more, if she only cultivates resources, what she has obtained from Mercenary City and Chu Xiaofeng, etc., is enough.

After Luo Qingtong took all those things out, the faces of Mr. Luo and Queen Mother Yan Xi were shocked.

The two people thought that the good things Luo Qingtong said were the resources she accidentally harvested outside, and they all looked at them with a smile.

It's not easy for the granddaughter to get some good things outside. They don't want Luo Qingtong's things, but it is also possible to take them out and praise them.

Mr. Luo even felt a terrible distress in his heart. He felt that Luo Qingtong was so dangerous to go outside. A little girl was teleported outside, and she didn't know how much hardship she had suffered and how much she suffered.

Even remember to bring them something good.

Those, maybe it's her life!

However, after Luo Qingtong took out all those resources and treasures, their entire eyes were dull.

"Hitomi Hitomi ..." Mr. Luo didn't even speak very well.

He looked at these things that Luo Qingtong took out.

In these days, as the main controller of the Tianyan dynasty, how could he not know the division of the treasures in these 789 stars?

But these things Luo Qingtong brought out were far superior to those in the 789 stars field he knew, and his breath strength was far more powerful.

Oh my God!

Father Luo stared at the same pile of things in front of him. The whole person's brain had a tendency to be immobile.

My mother, this is too scary!

At this moment, Mr. Luo, even when I saw Luo Qingtong's sadness and sadness, he was all pressed back!

Is this girl looting a high-level continent in the six-star region outside the domain? !!

But this is not right!

Which advanced star domain's continental treasure house can have such a comprehensive thing?

Not to mention several of these things, obviously are not in the ordinary six-star domain advanced mainland treasure house can have.

Obviously belong to the top forces!

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