Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3137: Phoenix kite remakes demon

The reason why these people will cooperate with Fengjie is because she said that people from the four or five stars domain will come.

And when they did, they just took advantage of the fire and did not have to confront the people of Zhenyan!

If not, these people in the field of seven or eight stars would never dare to confront Luo Qingtong.

After all, the strength of Zhenyan today is not something they can resist at all.

Not to mention that there are treasures in this true Yan continent, even if there is a chance of becoming a god, they dare not come to **** it!

After all, Luo Qingtong is behind the strength of the Tianfeng Chu family!

And after they sent people out, those people came back within two days.




Everyone's reply was all in one place.

Obviously, there are no traces of people from the four or five star domains at the edge of the star barren domain or other places in the star domain.

And at this time ...


The front is always expanding, although it is very slow, but the Zhenyan continent that has never stopped, at this moment it is slowly stopping the pace of expansion.

Obviously, the level of Zhenyan's continent has reached the upper limit.

The core of the abandoned continent absorbed by the core of the true Yan continent is almost complete.

In this case, the body shape of Zhenyan Continent has begun to shrink, gather, and crush!

Once the complete consolidation is completed, this level upgrade of Zhenyan Continent is completed.

And this scene falls in the eyes of Feng Xie, but the process of the treasure that Luo Qingtong merged has come to an end and is about to end!

How does this work? !!

She hasn't dealt with that woman yet!

Wouldn't it be even harder if she succeeded in getting that treasure, and she wanted to deal with her in the future? !!

Feng Xie thought of it, and suddenly gritted her teeth, facing the humanity of those seven or eight stars: "You immediately give me a hand and kill into the real Yan continent!"

"I will give you a generous reward!"


As her voice sounded, in an instant, where everyone in the Qixingxing domain was, a power house owner in Qixingxing sneered and said, "You really think we are fools? Mo Zhuling?"

This is because Feng Xie is attached to Mo Zhuling's body and speaks, and the latter's figure is no doubt after absorbing the breath of the attached soul spider.

In the eyes of those with seven or eight stars, she is Mo Zhuling.

Therefore, the influencer of the Seven Stars Domain sneered, "You don't see what kind of scene is in Zhenyan Continent!"

"There is a hegemon with a six-star field there!"

"Let's rush in, aren't you crazy?"

"How could we deal with them?"

"If you want to die, then go yourself!"

"What's more, maybe the people of the true mainland would still want you to plunge yourself!"

The power lord of the Seven Stars domain said here, and suddenly swore his sleeves: "Go!"

"We leave here, too lazy to care about this crazy woman!"

"It's so unlucky that I thought I could pick up a bargain!"


The influence's owner said, and so did everyone else.

And when they left their sleeves, they banged, and a huge wound was pierced through the chest of the power lord.

A sharp forelimb pierced out of his body.

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