Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3306: Flicker Bifang God Beast


[Are you able to restore my strength for me? 】

It looked at Luo Qingtong.

The medical strength of the other party, which has always been seen in the eyes, is absolutely extremely powerful.

Not only that, but the other party also asked it specifically. If it can temporarily shield it from the wound's power, will it be able to deal with the Qin masters!

Bifang Shenshou believes that if Luo Qingtong has the ability to shield the force on his wound, it is not difficult to heal his wounds.

The injury to the Bifang Divine Beast is very serious.

Those previous injuries did not heal, and they were blasted together by Saitama.

Now, the power inside it is almost spreading all over the body.


[Treat me for my injuries, I can destroy the Qin family for you and get rid of the future! 】

It was facing pupil Luo Qing.

This Bifang Shenshou is not stupid.

Luo Qingtong has to deal with the Qin family, but her strength is not enough, but she is enough!

As long as she can heal her wounds for herself, it will definitely help her destroy the Qin family, and by the way, will avenge herself.

It deals with conditional methods like this, and it's completely learned from Luo Qingtong.

This is how the other party talked to him before.

Bifang Shenshou felt that Luo Qingtong would definitely promise himself.

However, Luo Qingtong looked at it with a chuckle and said, "I will perish the Qin family myself, but you, Bifang Shenshou, don't show a little sincerity in terms of conditions, isn't it good?"

For Luo Qingtong, she can destroy the Qin family at any time. It is not necessary to rely on the power of the Bifang **** beast.

But the Bifang Divine Beast is different.

It has to use her ability to restore strength!

So this will be it begging her!

And when Luo Qingtong's voice sounded, the Bifang God Beast suddenly roared: "Wang!"

【What do you want? !! 】

Its mental power fluctuation echoed in Luo Qingtong's mind.

[I can promise you a condition, but it must be what I can do!

Otherwise just forget it! 】

The sound of Bifang Shenshou was very depressed.

It is indeed eager to restore strength.

It's too slow to recover by myself, I don't know when to wait, and maybe someone will bother it like the Qin family!

After eating this time, Bifang Shenshou was unwilling to come again.

However, if the conditions proposed by Luo Qingtong are excessive, it will not agree.

After all, it has its dignity as a **** beast.

In fact, if it weren't for Luo Qingtong's help before, the two would have a good foundation for cooperation.

In this case, even if it knew that Luo Qingtong could treat its injury, it would not speak.

After hearing Qing Luo's words, his eyes lightened for a moment.

This beast seems to have been rushed by her.

However, it seems that no more and more favorable conditions can be obtained.

It seems that the self-esteem and vigilance of this beast are quite strong.

Luo Qingtong thought about it that way, he was ready to start in another direction.

How is one condition enough for her?

The strength of this **** beast is so strong, once the strength is restored, maybe the Emperor of Heaven can match up with a pair!

How could she easily let go of such a force?

But contracts are impossible.

Look at the appearance of this beast is also unwilling.

But the difference in strength is too great, there is no possibility of forcing a contract at all.

But she can keep the other side beside her in other ways.

By then, wouldn't she still have this help?

However, this cycle has to be gradual, but this **** and beast cannot detect any clues.

Otherwise it won't agree!

Luo Qingtong thought about this, and his eyes were slightly bright, and he said to the bifang Shenshou:

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