Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3470: Life and death crisis (1)

There is only one natural body, and these people have many places to see how much the other party can destroy!

Those of the quasi-domain owner family think that they are very indifferent,

When the Qin people saw this scene, they were very sneer,

Because Saitama, as the natural body of the army and her subordinates, had disappeared in the Qingmang Mountain before, and the incident followed, there were a group of strong men in the Qin family and the beast.

Now it seems that the Bifang God Beast is most likely to be obtained by Saitama and others.

No matter whether the other party saved it or gave the Bifang God Beast to the contract, it means that they can't get away from the Bifang God Beast.

By that time, they will certainly be able to find the whereabouts of the Bifang God Beast, or get its body!

By then, the strength of their Qin family will be able to reach a higher level!

After all, the original intention of the Qin family owner to deal with that Bifang Shenshou was to strengthen his strength through the other party.

Although the strength of the homeowner has increased to Tianwujing,

But if he can get the corpse of Bifang's beast, he may be able to ascend one more level.

And even if it can't be done, there are so many strong people in their Qin family, whoever shots will not be able to improve their strength to Tianwu Realm?

In this way, their Qin family can have more than two Tianwujing strongmen!

At that time, even if it is fighting with the forces of Yixing, it will not fall.

Everyone in the Qin family thought so, and looked more and more eagerly and greedily towards Saitama and others.

"Kill these people who are shocking the tower, leaving only one natural army **** body, the others, all without killing!"

For the people of the Qin family, they can always recreate people who let Saitama and others exert their natural physiques, and there is no need to leave people who are evil.

After all, they will not be like before, they urgently need to sacrifice them to deal with the beasts of the Fang Fang, so as to accommodate them everywhere!

As for Saitama, if she disagrees and swears resistance, then they will wash her brain and make a sacrificial body!

Anyway, what they need is just her constitution!

The faces of the people were cold.

Those who heard from the quasi-domain owner family immediately nodded.

They besieged towards Saitama and others.

And the attacks of the latter and others, although the people of the quasi-domain owners' family blasted one after another, but they were too many.

Soon they were approached.


The natural army **** of war, formed by Saitama and others, once again bombarded a group of people near their quasi-domain master family.

But the other people were already close to their side less than 500 meters away. Seeing that they were about to launch an attack to break up their formation.

Once the formation cover is lost, Saitama and others' natural warriors and gods of war cannot condense.

At this time, those who were injured in the shocking tower were also desperately resisting a group of quasi-domain owners.

But their strength cannot be resisted by all the members of the Qin family, let alone a group of people in the quasi-domain master family who are fully assembled.

Had it not been for the fierce and deterrent attacks of the natural army gods of Saitama and others, they would have died under the attack of those from the quasi-domain master family.

This will make them spit out blood under the attack of a group of people in the quasi-domain family.

Seeing that they would no longer be able to withstand the attacks of these quasi-domain owners' families.

at this time……

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