Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3567: Collective dumbfounded


The girl blinked instantly after taking the elixir.

Then, she looked at Luo Qingtong who was standing in front of herself, and first asked in confusion "Who are you?"

Then I saw my parents and relatives standing beside her,

Then, the tide-like memories surged,

Her complexion was pale, and her eyes became panicked and fierce in an instant.


She plunged into the arms of her parents, crying, "Dad, mother, save me! I don't want to be sold to the windhouse in the outer house!"

Dad, mother, save me! help me! what! You guys get away! Dad, mother! I do n’t, I do n’t want to be spoiled by these people! Come and save me! I'm in Feng's house, I'm in Feng Yuqi's other courtyard! "

Her screams were heartbreaking, her voice weeping with crying blood, she even vomited blood deeply, and blood was continuously flowing from her lips, which stained her white clothes.

Almost instantly, Luo Qingtong fainted her, and then said to the crowd: "Her mind has recovered, and soon these memories will be cleared and she will be able to live a good life in the future. I hope you will not be able to Tell them this and let them live in painful memories in the future. "

The implication is that after the mind control is cleared, these young girls can also forget the unfortunate memories they had before, and can live a life that is not entangled by nightmares.

After all, these people have been tarnished in the teacher's workshop. That memory is extremely filthy and terrible.

Luo Qingtong does not want to let these people live in such a horrible shadow for life because he has to deal with the Feng family.

When she heard her words, the girl's loved ones were all grateful for a moment.

They had just heard the young girl's words, and her heart was really hurting.

The darling baby in their palms was treated like this. Which parent is not sad in this world? !!

And when the young girl cried and screamed, all the Fengjia and Jingjia people were instantly shocked and incredible.

Especially those who know the origin of those drugs are even more unbelievable.

After all, that is the elixir made by the elders of the Alchemy Association, and Luo Qingtong solved it with only one Qingxin Dan? !!

how can that be? !!

This is even more unacceptable than Luo Qingtong's display of the magical alchemy power of God.

"This is impossible! You must have framed us! There must be hallucinogenic and controlled herbs in the elixir!"

Feng Yuqi shouted loudly at Luo Qingtong.

Luo Qingtong's face was faint, he raised his hand and threw a Qingxin Dan, and said to him, "You can test it!"

She said this, and someone from other families who was proficient in elixir came out, raised her hand to catch the elixir, sniffed it carefully, and said to Feng Yuqi and others: "This is indeed Qingxin Dan! Just compared with the ordinary Qingxin Dan, the medicine of this Qingxin Dan is more powerful.

Has reached ... "

He said here, a little shocked and some unbelievable, hesitant to say: "The degree of top-grade heavenly medicine!"

His words came out, and in a moment, there was a big noise on the faces of the others.

The medicinal power of the top level elixir? !!

how can that be? !!

Qingxin Dan is the most junk-like elixir.

Everyone will say that it has only the prefecture-level elixir, or even the human-level elixir.

But what is the medicinal power of the top-grade elixir? !!

How is this refined? !!

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