Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3677: Yan Xue, I'll pick you up (4)

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, Feng Yanxue's mind shivered.

Her body trembled violently, watching the middle-aged man's palm blast to Luo Jingtian.

Suddenly, countless pictures flashed through her mind.

Once, the two men swore each other in the true Yan continent.

She is proud, he is happy, but he never allows her,

Every time she angered her with an upright eyebrow.

Obviously, she is only a person from a lower continent, but she is not afraid of her.

Every time I deliberately come to stir her, there is no fear of death.

But this is also a man who looks very unreliable. When she was seriously injured and had no strength, she ran across the river and turned over the mountains.

In the end, she has gone through many hardships, life and death, and helped her restore her strength and her injuries.

She was so angry that she had to kill him with a sword, but he said against her sword tip, that even if he killed him, he would not treat her with respect. She would still kick her hands.

This man, heaven is not afraid, he just melts her heart.

She forgot her identity, the glory of her family, and the hidden dangers in her body, and he wanted to be with him wholeheartedly.

Consumption of his physique gave him strength, gave birth to children, and he almost died on him.

"Luo Jinghong! Luo Jinghong! Yan Luo Jinghong Fei Xingyue, Xue Sheng cleared her eyes and had a white head! I remember it! I remember it!"

Her words were spoken, and Luo Jingtian's figure trembled suddenly, looking at her.

His body was weak, and now he was watching the middle-aged man's palm wind fall.

But he looked at Feng Yanxue with joy.

She remembered!

Yan Xue, she thought of herself!

Luo Jingtian's eyes were tearful.

Feng Yanxue's eyes were also reddish, tearful.

She remembered.

But everything is too late.

But it doesn't matter, she can die with him!

Feng Yanxue thought about it like this, and suddenly banged, and began to run the power in her body,


Her figure swelled suddenly.

"Wind and snow!"

The middle-aged man was angry.

This woman wanted to blow herself up.

He snapped his palm back.

Palm wind blows Luo Jingtian, and he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Then she covered her hand directly to Feng Yanxue, forcibly suppressing the power in her body.

"Show me this woman!"

He whispered.

Throw the wind and snow in his hands to those next to Xuan Dezong.

"Huh! I want to die with him, dream!"

The middle-aged man's eyes were cold.

Feng Yanxue is of great use to their young masters.

Such a long time of planning must not fail!

And this man must die too!

He directly patted Luo Jingtian on the ground.

The latter was blown by the wind of his palm, and his whole body was cracked at this moment.

The dragon scales and bones covering his body all burst into pieces.

It looked terrible.

"Huh, people who can't help themselves are always the worst!"

The middle-aged man said coldly that he was going to shoot Luo Jingtian into a pile of meat sauce.

The owner of the wind next to him looked at him, his face was also very cold.

This man is dead, and no one can stop them, and they are in peace!

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