Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3729: Insidious

"Did you forget the previous lesson?"

"What is his identity, and is it against you to deal with him in dignity and honor?"

When she said that, she said coldly, "If you hadn't dealt with him in person before, you wouldn't share what happened today."

She said so, and said, "You don't care about it."

"I will deal with him then."

"Isn't he trying to get a place in Tianwai Realm?"

"I will surely fulfill him then."

"Even if he is not strong enough, I would say, let a family member give him a place."

"And I begged myself ..."

Out of her words, Sheng Ming was a moment of anger.

"How does this work?"

"Sister Hua Yi, what is your identity?"

"Even if Luo Mingxi doesn't even deserve to step on you, how can you plead for his affairs ?!"

"and many more……"

Sheng Ming said here, and suddenly came to understand.

He looked at Sheng Huayi with bright eyes: "Sister Hua Yi, what you mean is to let those people in the family see how insecure the people in our family are, and how much the people in Luo family rely on Wronged and bullied? "

"In this way, the man in the family who has been replaced will definitely not be convinced."

"At that time, they will not vent their anger on us, but will be dissatisfied with Luo Mingxi."

"Not only that, they will not let Luo Mingxi take their place."

"So they will definitely hit Luo Mingxi!"

Sheng Ming said here and immediately called out.

"Haha, sister Hua Yi, you are really amazing!"

"In this way, people in that family challenge Luo Mingxi, and other people will certainly not care."

"Not only that, they also ridiculed Luo Mingxi's uncontrollable power, and the people of our family went to great lengths, and no one would blame us at all."

"And when the people in that family are angry and dissatisfied, Luo Mingxi is beaten, and no one will speak a half sentence for the Luo family!"

Sheng Ming said here, the whole person was excited.


This trick of sister Hua Yi is really high!

Compared to his idea, I don't know how many grades.

According to Sheng Huayi's idea, how miserable Luo Mingxi was to be taught regardless of their family affairs!

Not only that, their Shengjia can also use this to gain a lot of praise!

This is really amazing!

Sheng Ming chuckled and laughed, "In this way, we have not only taught Luo Mingxi, but also stepped on the reputation of the Luo family!"

"Okay, okay, this is really great!"

"Sister Hua Yi, you wouldn't have thought about dealing with Luo Mingxi so long, so you deliberately told me not to deal with him again, right?"

He said so, Sheng Huayi's face was light.

"I told you long ago, use your brain."

"Our Shengsheng Holy Family can't afford to get dirty hands to deal with a small run-down family."

"I didn't let you deal with him before, that's it."

"Where does jade collide with a crock?"

"I didn't shame my identity."

She spoke, and Sheng Ming immediately became happy.

"Yes, I'm jade. Luo Mingxi's ruined home is just a rotten tile."

"Where is it worth it to deal with him myself!"

"Sister Hua Yi, I will listen to you in the future and never take the initiative again!"

He said so, even the pain in his body felt a lot lighter.

Sheng Ming seems to have seen Luo Mingxi's embarrassing and embarrassing look at the family selection contest.

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