Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3731: Open your eyes!

His words exited, and Luo Qingtong immediately gave a slight chuckle, and then said to him, "Sir, see if you can launch your different pupils."

Luo Qingtong is also interested in Grandpa Luo's variant awakening.

After all, the opposite pupil of the other person could even see through the camouflage of her little phantom Dan, only to be inclined to the pupil ability of the phantom.

Her words were spoken, Grandpa Luo's pupils suddenly changed a bit, and then looking at Luo Qingtong, her eyes became pure white.

It's really pure white.

That empty white was like Grandpa Luo's eyes hadn't healed yet.

It looks like a blind man.

But Luo Qingtong's blood pupil can clearly see, Grandpa Luo's eyes have instantly become those invisible eyes.

Depending on the situation, his different pupils are different from Luo Mingxi and himself.

Not naturally produced, but suddenly acquired.

Therefore, the appearance of different pupils is different from the general naturally occurring pupils.

Grandpa Luo, like the Taoist books that Luo Qingtong saw in the 24th century, has a unique term called Kaitianyan.

Also called, happy eyes.

The so-called heart eye is the eye of the soul.

Legend has it that people are born with two eyes.

Eyes of the body, eyes of the soul.

The soul's eyes go straight to heaven and earth, and basically will not open, unless it is in special circumstances.

Previous Taoist books have deliberately introduced ways to open the sky.

But that kind of eye opening is just a simple and short opening.

The eyes of the sky are opened, and you can pass through Jiuyou and look at Huangquan, and you can see all the things that are not present in this world.

I don't know what happened to Grandpa Luo's eyes.

If Luo Qingtong did not guess wrong, the invisible eyes of Grandpa Luo are sky eyes.

I just don't know how he happened to open it.

If you can find the reason, it may be popular in Luo family!

Luo Qingtong thought so, and his eyes lightened suddenly.

For her, the Luo family is her family, and she naturally hopes that it will rise.

The Luo family's pupil technique, however, cannot be practiced by everyone, and must meet very harsh conditions.

Mr. Luo, they are still in the foreign domain.

If Luo Qingtong arrives at the time, if they are brought to the inner area.

Without strong strength, they can't get a foothold in this inner area.

But if they can open the eyes of the sky and practice pupillary techniques, then everything will be fine!

Luo Qingtong thinks so, it seems that from the opening of Grand Luo's different pupils, he finds a way to quickly improve Grand Master Luo's strength!

Her heart was happy, and looking at Grandpa Luo was also very happy.

"Father, you're busy. I'm very busy!"

"Wait until I come back from Tianwaiyuchang, please ask me to look into your eyes."

"Maybe more Luo people can open up different pupils!"

Luo Qingtong's words came out. Instantly, Grandpa Luo and Luo Mingxi were very excited.

"Can more people open different pupils?"

"Okay! Little girl Nine."

"Do whatever you want to do."

"I promise to cooperate!"

"Just blind my eyes again!"

"I won't blink any more!"

His words exited, Luo Qing pupil immediately laughed.

"will not."

She looked at Grandpa Luo and said, "Just need to let me look at your eyes."

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