Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3754: Luo family to fight!

"Hit me severely!"

"At that time, don't keep anything!"

"I want the Luo family to lose all face in front of everyone in this inner city!"

"And Luo Mingxi has no place to die!"

"Let's see how incompetent the people of their Luo family are!"

"The people in our family don't give them places, that's a matter of course, bitter!"

Her words quietly rang in Chen Yuxi's ears, and the latter heard the words, and it should be immediately.

In looking at Luo Mingxi, he was full of contempt and murder.

"Chen's Chen Yuxi."

"Please enlighten me!"

Chen Yuxi stepped onto the platform and made a salute towards the place where Luo Mingxi was, and then he shoved his hands and made a quotation.

That gesture was full of pride and contempt!

And Luo Qingtong's face was faint, looking at Luo Mingxi beside him, "Go up."

"Remember, today is the home of our Luo family!"

"No one can stop it, the people in our Luo family emit light!"

"Who dares to stop, crush him!"

"Today's battle will expose our Luo family to the world and a rising battle!"


Luo Mingxi's face was excited.

He looked at Luo Qingtong, bowed deeply, and then jumped up to the ring.

"Luo Jia Luo Mingxi, fight!"

Luo Mingxi's body stepped fiercely on the ring platform, and instantly, the entire ring platform shook and shook.

Today, he will prove to the people in the world that the people of their Luo family have returned!


As Luo Mingxi's figure stepped onto the ring platform, the fluctuations of the whole water curtain image started instantly.

Suddenly, waves of power rippled into the sky.

The scene on the ring was passed into the air.

This transfer is not simply a transfer.

But together with the opponent's martial arts offensive methods and effects, they are all passed.

Anyone who watched the film of the water curtain can appreciate the horror of the attack on the scene of the ring platform.

Use this to understand the essence and skills of the opponent's attack.

This is also the reason why, in every shocking battle, there are countless strong men who directly break through watching the battle in the water screen.

Because they can use the power of the water curtain to transfer into it.

Directly understand the essence of attack and the realm of it.

This realization is equivalent to a weakened version of the chanting initiation.

Some people were attacked by both sides and substituted into the feeling of battle.

In that kind of immersive feeling, it is easy to be exposed to the pressure and crisis of life and death inside, forcing the power in my body to continue to run, and finally breaking through, and directly ascending to break through my original state.

Of course, this kind of feeling can only be felt by those who are far superior to them.

That kind of crushing confrontation can make them feel shocked when watching the water screen.

Under that extreme oppression, we were able to transcend our original state and improve our strength.

But this time, seeing the image from the water screen, all the excited people were dumbfounded.

"How is this going?"

"What's so special about us?"

"What the **** is this Chen Yuxi?"

"Even more, what is this Luo Mingxi?"

"Isn't he just a waste?"

"Is the people in the family selection contest crazy?"

"Such a way to project such a game of two people with a water screen?"

"I rely!"

"Special, don't look at it!"

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