Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 3891: Send her away

3922 Born-1 Jun 1958

For Li Xin, where can he take care of so many?

If he didn't kill Li Qinhan and others, when he returned to Li's house, he wouldn't know how much censure and derogation he would be exposed for because his character was revealed!

At that time, let alone fight for the throne, even his original position in the Li family may not be able to be maintained!

That's why they and Sheng Huayi hit it off!

And Li Qinhan did not expect that Li Xin could even fight for the position, so that he did not even care about the family's decline, so he took his word!

When the hearts of the people were resentful and angry, the monsters on the other side had already launched an attack.

The five-headed devil was sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the figures of the Li family, his face was full of anger.

They had a fight with Xie Jun and others before. Although they beat each other away, His Majesty also hurt a lot!

More importantly, they all have very important things to do at this very time.

At this time, the people of Li's family came to the door, which really ignited their previous anger against Xie Jun and others.


Their voices roared, and instantly, those monsters that surrounded Li Qinhan and others were ordered, and Li Qinhan must die!

After all, these practitioners are as annoying as bugs!

In this case, kill them!

Look at these people, dare to come to their lair to find trouble again!

A group of magic handsomes did not care whether Li Qinhan was Xie Jun or others.

In their opinion, all practitioners are the same!


Roar out with their voices.

Instantly, the monsters that surrounded Li Qinhan and others like mountains and seas moved.

They rushed towards Li Qinhan and others like a landslide and tsunami.

In this horrible wave of monsters, Li Qinhan and others, like a flat boat in the same sea, may be wiped out by these landslides and tsunami at any time.

And countless attacks, at this time, blasted towards them.

"Go! Hurry!"

Li Qinhan's voice drank loudly.

However, their bodies are completely surrounded by these monsters.

With their strength, it is impossible to break through these monsters.

People from the Li family tried to break out of the lair, but it was completely useless!

The distance they came in before was too deep!

If they found these wrongs just at the door of the lair, they would be able to escape.

But this time, they were sealed in the middle of this lair.

No one knows what these monsters are hiding in the depths of the lair, but there is nothing exposed outside.

Only after Li Qinhan and others went deeper did they show up.

And Sheng Huayi is also because of this, they are extremely determined, as long as Li Qinhan is deceived into this nest, they will die!

And when all the people in the Li family were desperate, Li Qin chilled his teeth and grabbed Li Xinyan next to him, saying, "Heart, we will send you out!"

"Remember, you must go to Luo Jiu and let her help you!"

"The entire Inland and even the Holy Land family, only she will really help us!"

The young man must report with grace and uprightness.

One point of gratitude, she can pay back ten!

If we say that the entire inner region and even the Holy Land family, who Li Qinhan believes most, there is nothing other than Luo Qingtong!

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