Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4070: Intriguing


What the other person said was so precious, apologizing on his knees, was simply an insult to them!

Yu Hong and others can also see clearly at this meeting, Luo Qingtong, they seem to be deliberately targeting their Puyang Wangfu people.

What exotic treasures?

Even if this box is specially used to entertain the children of ordinary noble families, there can be no rare treasures!

The other person said so, obviously to blackmail them!

And that kneel **** to apologize, is deliberately humiliated!

What does it mean that they hurt each other's men?

Who would be the worst injured? !!

The hands of Yu Hong and others were broken, and many of the elite whole body bones of Puyang Wangfu shattered!

The other party even asked them to apologize? !!

When Yu Hong and others thought so, they didn't even think about it. They wanted to break into Luo Qingtong and Ye Qianyan's box first.

If Ye Qianqian's strength is powerful, is it that they can only be slaughtered by Puyang King's Mansion?

At this time, Yu Hong, they were injured by Ye Qianji, weren't they asking for it?

Don't they want Luo Qingtong and others to apologize to them?

Or send them away?

With Luo Qingtong's temperament, even if she is not vengeful with the people of Puyang Wangfu, she can't rest with the other party simply by the arrogant and temperamental nature of Puyang Wangfu's people!

Not to mention, she is still resentful to the people of Puyang Wangfu!

What happened to the people who humiliated the Puyang Palace?

When the people of Puyang Wangfu went to Sheng Family and when she came to Tiandu, they didn't want to humiliate her!

It just failed.

She would just do what the other party had done before and do it to them!

Luo Qingtong's eyes were cold.

She leaned against Ye Qianji's body, one hand supporting Ye Qianji's arm, and the other hand supported her chin with one hand. She looked at Yu Hong and others with a faint look.

"This Fenglailou is neither your own business nor the property of your family. Why are you unwilling to pay?"

"Still, do you think this Fenglailou thing is worthless, so you are not willing to pay?"


Luo Qingtong said here, and the water sleeves lifted up, chuckling with a smile: "Don't you people in the King's Palace of Yangyang feel that other families are worthless?"

"Not just things, but people ..."

Luo Qingtong's words said here, if any, lengthened his voice.

Her voice sounded meaningfully, and then someone remembered the people in the former Emperor Shaodi's family who were sent away by the people of the Tiandu family, but all of them were collected by Luo Qingtong as a niece.

It is said that this incident seemed to be the word of the Xinlan County Lord of the King's Mansion to the Emperor, saying that it was to take this opportunity to let His Royal Highness reach the maidens of the Tiandu family.

This will let the other party know the benefits of them compared with Luo Qingtong.

However, in fact, it was the sister-in-law of Tiandu Zhongshi who was accepted by Luo Qingtong as a daughter-in-law.

The owner of Xinlan County who made this suggestion did not appear in the team heading to Shaodi Mansion in the end.

This is very intriguing.

Since it was such a good thing to contact His Royal Highness Shao, why did the Xinlan County Lord not go by himself, but instead gave away all the people of the Tiandu family?

Was the idea she had made before meant to ruin the reputation of a family of nieces?

In this way, only Luo Qingtong can grab the position of Zheng Fei with her.

However, how could Luo Qingtong, a person from a foreign domain, have won Yu Xinlan?

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