Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4172: Search

His gaze was like substance, almost to penetrate Yu Xinlan's body and nail her to the ground.

And Yu Xinlan gritted his teeth.

She looked at Ye Qianji, envious and resentful in her heart.

Ye Qianyi just hadn't noticed anything, including she said that Luo Qingtong collusion with Xiao Fei over them, deceived him, framed himself, and even killed him.

This would be angry because he wanted to search Luo Qingtong's courtyard.

He just believed in this woman?

However, she was fully prepared for this meeting, and Luo Qingtong could never escape.

Today's pot, she is set back!

Yu Xinlan thought so, and suddenly said coldly, "His Royal Highness, I know you protect the concubine!"

"But this is what I saw with my own eyes!"

"What's more, if the princess had a clear conscience! Why couldn't we just search the courtyard?"

"As long as no one is found, I am naturally willing to bear the charge of defamation of the Princess!"

Her words began, and Luo Qingtong, who had been watching the other side, suddenly said, "Okay, since this is the case, just search for it!"

"I just hope that you, the Lord of the Heart Lan County, don't go back and forth, but rely on the sentence you just said."

Luo Qingtong had been watching Ye Qianyu Yu Xinlan just now.

Originally, she was about to speak before, but was cut off by Ye Qianji, and she simply looked aside.

Hearing Yu Xinlan's words, he only spoke.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to circle with the other party!

What's more, Xiao Fei is over them, it should be already good!

Luo Qingtong thought about it for a while, and suddenly smiled in his heart.

I just hope that Yu Xinlan can withstand this wave of blows!

After all, the price of slandering her is not small.

This time with Ye Qianyan, Yu Xinlan will not pass the barrier easily.

It would be best if this could lead to the people behind her.

If that doesn't work, then it will have to be led out by the Emperor Tiandu to see what the other party's plan is.

You know, Luo Qingtong has been here for so long, and he has never met with Tiandu Emperor.

When Luo Qingtong said this, Ye Qianyi on the other side snorted coldly and didn't speak again.

However, the cold and cold air that swelled around me was put away at once.

If it weren't for Luo Qingtong, Yu Xinlan would have to deal with it, Ye Qianyi had already shot.

What he could not stand the most was that others deal with Luo Qingtong, and he wanted to dismantle him and Luo Qingtong.

But Yu Xinlan had both.

What about the other party might be related to the forces behind Emperor Tiandu?

Anxious Ye Qianji, still kill.

His life was never more important than Luo Qingtong.

And when Luo Qingtong gently grasped Ye Qianyun's robe sleeves and comforted him, and clasped his waist tightly, Yu Xinlan also snorted sharply, and then all the people around the Puyang King's Palace said: Search me! "

Her words came out, and instantly, all the people in the Puyang King's Mansion suddenly spread out around, searching in this courtyard.

Xing Tan's heart was nervous for a while.

She just saw that Luo Qingtong had caught Yu Xinlan, and she had no other choice but thought that she would finally escape.

Unexpectedly, Yu Xinlan directly said the slanderous words that Luo Qingtong and Xiao Feiyue collusion with, and then forced to search the yard.

How to do?

How did Luo Qingtong arrange Yuege them?

And how can her guards hide?

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