Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4185: Honor the Lord, bravely support the pupi

Having said that, he paused, and then said, "The people of the heavenly families have taken a lot of good things from their fathers and fathers before?"

"In this case, my princess will also be half!"

"Father and Prince should not be stunned!"

"After all, you are very satisfied with Qingtong's daughter-in-law!"

Ye Qianyi said one word at a time.

He never spoke very much.

But he has a lot to say about Luo Qingtong and other things related to her!

His woman will never allow anyone to bully!

Although he would not be able to move Yuxinlan into this situation, he and Tiandi Emperor could still do it with some price.

When he heard him, Tiandudi looked ugly.

After all, he had already spent a lot of energy to appease the people in the Tiandu family.

But at this moment, Ye Qianxu even asked him to take out half of the things to the family of Tiandu directly to Luo Qingtong?

To a waste girl in Outland?

Does he know how precious those things are? !!

Emperor Tiandu looked at Ye Qianji, and it was almost a long time before he scolded him out of his anger.

"Okay!" He gritted his teeth and squeezed a few words out of his teeth. "I'll get her ready!"

Anyway, after waiting, Ye Qianzhen and Luo Qingtong are dead, are n’t those things all his?

Luo Qingtong's waste materials from an external area are all enhanced by Ye Qianji. What is the use of those things?

In the end, did n’t all those things return to his hands?

Emperor Tiandu sneered.

Ye Qianxuan's eyes were faint. Standing there, he looked at Luo Qingtong and looked at him.

The two fathers and sons face each other, without tenderness, but with calculations and interests.

Already used to such a scene, Ye Qianyu's voice was cold, watching Tiandu Emperor and Yu Xinlan saying:

"I hope you will do it in the future, these women will appear in front of me in the future, I will not stay alone!"

"All killed!"

Ye Qianyi's complexion was cold.

Yu Xinlan opened a very bad head.

If someone else comes to deal with Luo Qingtong, he will be hard to guard against, once and for all!

These people, who dare to appear in front of him, killed them all!

See who dare to go up again for his strength!

In addition ...

He looked coldly at Yu Xinlan and said, "When you were in the yard before, you said it yourself, if you did not find anyone in the court of the concubine, you will voluntarily accept the crime of slandering the emperor!

"Now I don't want you to die!"

"All the people in the Puyang King's Mansion are responsible for three hundred!"

"You, five hundred!"

"Is there any objection?"

His words came out. For a moment, the people around the Puyang King's House were afraid to speak.

three hundred? five hundred?

It was enough to beat them to a half, let alone Yu Xinlan.

These five hundred canes were enough to destroy her half of her life, but did Yu Xinlan dare to say a "no"?

The objection is that I want to die!

Yu Xinlan has no doubt that Ye Qianxuan will do it directly.

And Emperor Tiandu may not be able to stop him!

Thinking of this, she could not help but grit her teeth at all, then nodded, "No."

Her voice was extremely humiliating.

She is in Tiandu, outside Tiandu, she is the proud girl of heaven.

But in front of Luo Qingtong, she was crushed and left no residue!

Because she was sought after by tens of thousands of people, Ye Qianji never even looked at her!

Even though Luo Qingtong is as low as dust on the dirt, but she has Ye Qianqian behind her back, but she is more honorable than the queen above 10,000 people!

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