Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4262: Pupil pupil means (4)


Luo Qingtong's fundus of platinum double pupil resolution absorbed Xie Xinglin's strength.

Her body was full of the strength of the other party, and the subsequent blow hit directly to Xing Xinglin.

At the same time, Xie Fengcheng and Xie Jun were both under the control of her flesh and blood, and rushed towards Xing Xinglin again.

The two of them thought that they and others had got the golden bones.

The previous discourse was full of indifference and greed for Luo Qingtong, who wanted to leave Luo Qingtong forcibly and let the other party serve them, even though Luo Qingtong had previously healed the body for them.

Now it's finally getting retribution!

The gold bones in their bodies were born of Luo Qingtong,

Luo Qingtong added unusual medicine to their medicinal soup, so that when their golden bones were completed, they could only obey her orders, just like the puppets she made.

Now, under the control of Luo Qingtong, they rushed towards Xie Xinglin, looking desperate in front of each other.

Even if the gold bone is broken, the power contained in it is still amazing.

Not to mention, when Luo Qingtong had cultivated golden bones for Xie Fengcheng and Xie Jun before, to enhance his strength, he specially added special precious medicines that he did not know.

Today, the power of those drugs lies in the golden bones of Xie Fengcheng and Xie Jun.

The more powerful the bones of the two of them were, the more ecstatic they were before, the more hopeless they would be.

The strength of the golden bone burst was comparable to the self-explosion of half of Xie Xinglin's level.

Not to mention, Luo Qingtong will strike the power in the past, and will bring Xie Xinglin's own power far away.

The power of Luo Qingtong's platinum eyes is a bug in itself,

After all, she can absorb the power of others to attack, although it can't last, but even so, it is enough.

After all, in the face of their own attack power, basically, it is difficult for ordinary people to prevent it.

The power of their instincts is also difficult to resist the power attacked by Luo Qingtong.

This means that this attack of Luo Qingtong has a natural defense advantage!

Therefore, in the face of Luo Qingtong's attack, Xie Xinglin itself was undefended.


With this blow by Luo Qingtong, with the self-explosive power of Xie Fengcheng and Xie Jun.

At this moment, the wind and the sky around the world were surging.

The violent and terrible attack that was violently rushing towards Luo Qingtong immediately poured out, and violently and horribly stronger than before, violently blasted towards Xing Xinglin.

The power of heaven and earth caused by this moment was more than several times stronger than the attack Xie Xinglin just blasted out.

He couldn't resist at all.


Xie Xinglin's body took the lead in meeting the self-explosive attacks of Xie Fengcheng and Xie Jun. The strength of the explosion of the golden bone caused Xie Xinglin's breath to shake.

Suddenly, a lot of blood was shaken from his mouth.

At the same time, all the blood vessels in his body were shaken out of the cracks.

These gaps greatly reduced his strength in the body, and there was no way to deal with Luo Qingtong's next strength.

Only in an instant, Luo Qingtong's attack hit him.


Xie Xinglin spit out blood.

His body slumped and fell to the ground, his breath fell to the weakest,

It turned out that Luo Qingtong was seriously injured by a blow.

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