Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 427: Two people agree

"Xiao Xi, I want to tell you something."

Luo Qingtong said, Kakaka's operation changed dramatically, and he recovered his original appearance.

"When you see me like this, you can't let others know that I am a ghost doctor, do you know?"

"Okay." Xiaozheng nodded too smartly.

He vaguely noticed that Luo Qingtong's doing this was related to the enemies they said.

"Sister Fairy, don't worry." He nodded earnestly: "I won't let people know that you are the evil doctor ghost pupil. In public, I will also pay attention to keeping a distance from your identity."

Xiaozheng's induction is very keen.

He could detect that Luo Qingtong kept him secret, but only aimed at this identity.

It doesn't matter at other times.

"Hmm. Xiaoxi is good." Luo Qingtong really did mean that.

I didn't expect the little ones to get through.

It seems that it is a child from a big family. Although he is pure-hearted, he should have some exquisite knowledge.

In fact, Luo Qingtong has many means to prevent Xiaozheng from revealing her identity to eliminate future troubles.

But looking at the young man's heart purely believed her gaze, she could not use those means.

Especially after the other party came back from Jiuwu Mountain, she always kept her identity of fairy sister.

Luo Qingtong thinks that she should be able to trust this little guy.

"Well." After being praised by Luo Qingtong, Mrs. Xiaozheng was very happy, and looking at Luo Qingtong was also very admired.

"Sister Fairy, your eyes are fine, and they are very beautiful." He looked at Luo Qingtong's eyes and said happily.

"Really? Thank you. Xiaoxi's body is also very good." Luo Qingtong can see that the breath in his body is very strong without having to pulse the little guy.

"Come here, I'll give you the poison completely."

It can be seen that the people in the family of Yue Yue love Xiaoxi very much.

Luo Qingtong found a lot of strong breath in his body, which isolated those toxins well.

Obviously, the family members of Yueyue would breathe into Xiaoxi every day to ensure that his toxins would not spread.

Not sincere love, not done so carefully.

Luo Qingtong raised her hand and injected her breath into Xiaozheng Tai's body.

"Hold on," she said to the little guy in bed.

The latter had already taken off his clothes, bit a small wooden stick in his mouth, heard Luo Qingtong's words, and nodded heavily.

The little guy knew that only by completely removing the toxins from his body, he could get rid of the kind of life he had before.

He can do it.

"Sister Fairy, you do it, I'm not afraid of pain."

Every time the toxins in the body are touched by people, they will hurt more than death. Xiaozheng is used to it.

Luo Qingtong listened, remembering the little guy blocking a bite of the python for himself on Jiuwu Mountain, and he didn't even cry of pain.

The young master who grew up in the Jinyiyushi family has so much tolerance for pain, not because he is strong enough, but because ... he suffered too much!

The man behind the poison was too vicious.

Luo Qingtong's eyes were slightly cold and began to guide those toxins to penetrate outward.

With pupil technique, Luo Qingtong almost forced the little guy's body out of poison with little effort.

Looking at the little guy fainted on the bed, Luo Qingtong covered him with a blanket and walked out.

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