Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 429: Supreme Master Vinegar Altar

"Oh my God……"

Xiaoxiang pig stood in front of the window sill, covering his eyes with his two little hoofs, and did not see the scene below.

This woman, **** it!

It's okay for her to come back so long after going out, and she's with a man!

Also in a carriage, talking and laughing with each other!

What else did they pick up!

Oh my God!

Feeling the low pressure overflowing from the man around him, the two hind legs of Xiaoxiang pig hit a swing.

It didn't dare to look at Ye Qianya's face next to him!

I want to know with my ass, it must be as dark as ink!

Shou Shou!

This man should never be angry again this time!

It's really innocent!

Just when Xiaoxiang pig was trembling in his heart, the door of the room was opened at once.

"I am back!"

Luo Qingtong's face was full of smiles.

The answer was her silence.

Xiaoxiang pig looked at the front of him with dark and dark color, and his whole body was so indignant that Ye Qianhuan, his legs were swinging.

The next second, it screamed, and spread its four hoofs out of the door.

"Well! I'm going out for a trip, you talk! You talk!"

It moved quickly, and Luo Qingtong did not respond before he ran out.

"Strange, it's all night, why do you have to go out?" Luo Qingtong looked at the sky and was already dark.

She's lost a lot of time at the Yueyue family this time, and it will be too late to return.

But the evening sky was the least likely to be discovered.

At that time, Luo Qingtong waited outside the Yueyue family for so long, just to wait for it to get late.

"Oh." She knew it was late?

Ye Qianzhen looked at her coldly.

"Where have you been?" He asked blankly.

The breath of the whole body has frozen to the point where it is difficult to restrain.

This woman went on a date with another man!

"Go to the Yueyue family!"

Luo Qingtong's heart was inexplicable. She blinked her eyes, and it seemed strange to Ye Qianji's words. This tone ... why is it like forcing a confession?

Could it be said that there is a contradiction in private between the Heiyu and the Yueyue family?

She thought, walking to Xiao Mingzun on the window sill and bending over to hug someone.

"Okay, don't get angry. I just go to detoxify people. You don't know."

This man laid a heavy net around Luo Yue's family, waiting to catch her!

Thinking about it that way, Luo Qingtong smiled.

Could it be that she was unhappy when she saw her returning intact?

With her eyes bent, she found the reason for Ye Qianji's bad mood.

"I'm disappointed to see me come back safely," she said, pinching the tender meat on his cheeks. "Unfortunately, I won't give you a chance to grab me."

She talked and kissed Xiao Mingzun's lips, then licked her lips and said, "You're good."

Be obedient to her, wait until she grows up, and then go back!

She will not be afraid even if he comes!

Thinking about it that way, Luo Qingtong smiled even more happily.

"..." Ye Qianji looked at her, his face condensed.

I don't know why, the qi in my heart slowly disappeared.

This woman, so heartless and heartless, he can't move her, let alone others!

But even so, he was unhappy with the man who came back with her!


Ye Qianyi's body became thinner when Luo Qingtong didn't notice it.

Suddenly, a group of soul power swooped out of him and rushed towards the direction in which the carriage of Yueyue's carriage left.

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