Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4468: Lost the wife

"Boom", Yue Ming's figure, bullied him.

The latter took control of the huge golden rune just by Luo Qingtong, and at the same time, he controlled the power of those thunder runes and bombarded the people of Feixianmen.

At the same time, the power of those blood sacrifice arrays all around him was instantly incorporated into Yue Ming's body.

You know, what is contaminated with this is the essence of Yue Ming's blood, and the power of this blood sacrifice array can also be changed by Yue Ming's men.

Don't forget who he is.

Inscription Son!

After looking at all the inscription patterns, he knew how to analyze the architecture.

Not to mention that this blood sacrifice array also incorporates his blood.

Simply applying force can turn it into another formation.

Transform the strength of those who imbued Feixianmen before into their own strength!


By the attack caused by the collapse of the transparent cover, Yue Mingying's figure swept directly to the master of Feixianmen.

The moment he hadn't had time to resist, just point directly to the heart of his chest.

With Yue Ming's strength, he can't kill Han Ming.

And his purpose is not to kill Han Ming.

It is to wipe off the blood in the wound in his heart when the rune sky thunder and the transparent cover collapsed against the instant attack by the strength of the opponent and the strength of the book of destiny.

What Yue Ming wants is Han Ming's painstaking effort!

His talent was abandoned by Han Ming.

But as long as there is a bit of effort from the other party, Yueming Ming will be able to get back her previous Xiwu talent!

In this way, in the future, he will have no weakness in strength, and will not need to rely on the magical power of his body from time to time!

After all, although the power of the demon is powerful, it still has disadvantages.

What Yueming Ming believes most is his own strength!


When Yue Mingying's body flew in, the master of Feixianmen just resisted the force that was bombarded by the huge transparent cover's twisting and collapse, and his body was delayed for a moment.

And the golden book of destiny suddenly faded when the huge transparent cover collapsed.

Taking advantage of this moment, Yue Ming took a moment to get his blood.

In an instant, the power of the blood sacrifice array around him was instantly distorted.

It turned into a huge teleportation array, and immediately surrounded Yue Ming's figure.

Then banged, Yue Ming's figure disappeared.

The master of Feixianmen, at the moment when Yue Mingyu rushed over, originally wanted to gather his strength to resist.

However, he forgot that there was a wound on his heart, which he had previously opened in order to activate the power of the Destiny Book.

Therefore, Yue Mingming did not need to fight with his power at all, and was able to easily capture a drop of his blood.

Before he could react, Yue Mingying had taken a drop of his brain and left.

Instantly, Han Ming was so angry that he was going crazy!

Yue Mingying's talent for Xi Wu is not weaker than his Ming Wen talent!

If it wasn't for the other person who was so amazing and brilliant, how could Han Ming abandon his Xiwu talent and leave only his Mingwen talent?

Just don't want him to become so strong that he is out of control!

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