Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4545: Yulan Xinlan (1)

Ye Qianyi's complexion changed for the first time.

He looked at Yu Xinlan's eyes.

The latter side is also very proud.

"Ye Qianji, just wait and see!"

She said so, and immediately forced out something in her body.

I saw that it was an extremely bright and bright night pearl.

Above, there was an extremely dazzling and shining light.

The light fell in the eyes of others, and naturally was very beautiful and public.

But in the eyes of Ye Qianji, he found that the flashing power was extremely powerful.

Not even worse than the strength of the heavenly will that Ye Qianji had ever seen.

This statement refers to the quality of the power of the night pearl, not to its overall quantity.

Because the power in this night pearl is already very weak.

It seems that the power inside it has been eroded by a long time, and there is not much left.

But even so, the power remaining in its body is abnormally overbearing.

Not only that, the breath contained in the power revealed in it faintly gives Ye Qianji a sense of familiarity ...

It is the kind of strength breath of Luo Qingtong's previous life!

Ye Qianxian's mind flashed suddenly, suddenly remembering the source of this breath of breath, impressively the power that Luo Qingtong had shown in his previous life!

This thing is related to Luo Qingtong's previous life?

And when Ye Qianji thought so, Yu Xinlan had activated the power of the night pearl in her body.

She looked at Ye Qianxian proudly and said, "Ye Qianxian, in fact, I would like to thank the Luo family more."

"If it weren't for the accident that they bumped into the fall of that Supreme Power, I'm afraid I can't drive the power of this night pearl!"

"Yes, the power of the pupils I can open is actually mimicry."

"Able to imitate the pupillary skills of others, and change their color in the pupil."

"Although I can only imitate for a moment, the ability imitated is also biased, far less than one percent of the other."

"But being able to unlock the power of this night pearl is already the biggest victory!"

Hahaha! "

Yu Xinlan's voice laughed loudly.

Her original pupillary ability was a chicken rib.

But who made her pupils meet the right person?

Bixianmen taught her how to use this ability to imitate the pupil ability of the Supreme Power.

After that, she used the pupillary ability to control the night pearl, and gained more and more powerful power, thereby obtaining more pupillary ability that can be imitated!

Yu Xinlan didn't know how many people she had dealt with with this night pearl.

And this time, she will use each other to deal with Ye Qianji!

And this is their purpose in the beginning!

The reason why Yu Xinlan will be selected by the master of Feixianmen is because of her mimicry ability, which can mimic the power of blood pupils and manipulate the night pearl!

And what is contained in the night pearl, the remaining power of the Supreme Power is the only hope that they can capture the power of Ye Qianya.

Because in this world, only the breath of the other party can be without fear, and there is no need to worry about the power of the body that is close to the heavenly veins, and even the Tao of Heaven cannot be done!


The breath of Yu Xinlan wrapped in the breath of the night pearl, and walked straight to the place three feet away from Ye Qianyu.

This time, she was not stopped again.

in contrast……

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