Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4697: Win me, let you be free!

The others, Ruge and Mogu, had already taken a step back when Luo Qingtong opened his mouth, bowing and kneeling behind Luo Qingtong and Ye Qianyu.

Seeing their actions, in a moment, those half-devils of the Sulu family who had no fluctuations in their eyes had a sudden touch of eyes,

Then he set his eyes on Luo Qingtong and Ye Qianxuan.

Two and a half demon?

Two half-mages who have no magic at all ...

The two have nothing to do except play things for others, and it is impossible to have a powerful half-magic ...

Even among them, they are very half-devils without status ...

Say they are the masters of others? !!

For the first time, the half-devils of the Chaolu family had expressions and fluctuations, and their eyes were surprised or confused, and they fixed their eyes on Luo Qingtong and Ye Qianxuan.

"It's up to you?"

A strong man standing in the forefront of the half-devil team looked at Luo Qingtong and Ye Qianxuan, and then slammed and stood out, looking at Luo Qingtong and disdainfully. Ye Qianyi is two humane.

Just because these two weak chickens are worthy of their obedience to their masters?

In the devil world, respect for strength!

This is true even for these half-demon people.

They can bow their heads because of reality, and bow their heads to those who are inferior to them because of the orders of their masters.

But what qualifications do Luo Qingtong have?

The half-devils of the Chalu family looked at Ruge, Mogu and others around with disdain.

None of the people present were even able to subdue them!

Even dare to blame them, let one, no, two incompetent half-devil be their masters?

These people are simply whimsical!

The same is true of these two half-devils who rely on beauty!

The half-magic strong man in the Chalu family looked at Luo Qingtong and Ye Qianxuan as outstanding to a certain extent, and it was almost exquisite and beautiful that scared people to dare to look at them, and they were very disdainful.

In order to plaything like this, the drama of letting these people hand in hand, they watch too much!

But that's based on situations where someone can subdue them.

There will be no one here who can deal with them.

Why should they bow their heads to these two demon-like creatures?

The eyes of all the half-devils of the Sulu family were all caught in the eyes of Mogu, Ruge, and others. The hearts of all the people sneered, looking at the high self-esteem of the half-devils who showed no weakness. .

Just these people, dare to despise their master?

I do not care about the master, it really has no strength.

But their seven masters ...

Everyone looked at Luo Qingtong.

The latter is also looking at these half-devils of the Sulu family.

She wasn't angry at the words of the half-devil strong man who stood up, but lifted the shackles on his hands, and then hooked his fingers at him: "Win me, let you be free!"

Her words came out. Instantly, the figure of the half-devil strong man blasted towards her.

The half-devil strong did not put Luo Qingtong in his eyes.

For him, Luo Qingtong was arrogant and arrogant.

She thought they were the idiots of the Huck family who held her in the palm of their hands?

Will she deliberately lose to her to please her?

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