Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4698: Who else should try?

However, the conditions proposed by the other party are really exciting!

As long as they are able to leave the Huck family, they are free.

After that, wherever I want to go, I can organize my own forces and wander outside.

Or maybe find a strong owner to take refuge again,

In short, it is better than staying in a weak family like the Huck family.

They do not recognize their weaker master!

However, he just thought about it that moment, a moment of bang, Luo Qingtong's figure flashed his attack, and appeared in front of him.

Because Luo Qingtong's appearance was too sudden.

The half-devil strong was completely unprepared.

He didn't even know how Luo Qingtong escaped his attack.

and many more!

Compared with this, shouldn't it be that this half-devil girl has strength, which is even more shocking? !!

The heart of this half-magic strong is incredible.

He looked at the volatile breath coming out of Luo Qingtong's body, and couldn't believe she was magical.

However, she had no magic power at all!

Before he could calm down from this incident, Luo Qingtong's attack had already hit him severely.


Luo Qingtong's fist hit him severely.

Obviously it is a small fist of Bai Nennen. In the eyes of this half-devil strong, there is no threat at all.

But it was such a fist that smashed into him instantly, so that he didn't even have the chance to avoid ... no!

He still has a chance to escape!

Only when Luo Qingtong's fist smashed up, he subconsciously twisted his body and wanted to wink.

But the fist seemed as if he had anticipated his dodging, and he was in the position of dodging directly!

That's why he has no room to hide!

Not only that!

The half-devil strong face shocked and felt the waves of breath coming from his body.

The enchantment inside him rioted? !!

The heart of this half-devil strong was shocked.

For these half-devils and demons, the filthy and magical gas hidden in their bodies is like a time bomb, which explodes from time to time.

Once exploded, their strength will be affected, and it will drop suddenly, even to the extent that they can not exert their power at all.

It's the same as people outside going into the devil.

At this moment, the magic in his body is riot, and, under the pull of Luo Qingtong's power, the riot!

——The place where Luo Qingtong was just banging is just one of the places where the filthy magic in his body gathers.

It is also one of the most filthy and magical places in his body.

It's his life!

The half-devil strong was shocked.

However, before he could react, Luo Qingtong had already lifted him directly.

Luo Qingtong's body is the strongest fairy body, and originally no one can catch her attack intensity.

Not to mention, she can absorb the power of pure magic,

The quality of magic energy in the body is simply not comparable to the power in these half-magic people.

Plus her blood pupil's insight and see through, and the bonus of evil blood bracelet and evil blood crown.

If she wants to kill this half-devil strong, the other party is already dead!

After Luo Qingtong kicked the half-devil strong out, her eyes were cold, and she swept across the half-devils of the Saur family across the road, and said quietly: "Who are you trying ? "

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