Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4720: Clear pupil return (8)

"Haha! Lord Yar, why didn't you break through to the mysterious realm?"

Lit's owner can be said to be extremely expectant and spirited.

Demon Realm!

The owner of Yar didn't ascend to the magic realm.

Does this mean that there was a problem with the bone of the Beastmaster that he bought before?

The leader of the Litt family is not stupid. If he just guesses, he can think of the reason.

Then think that the bone of the Beastmaster was bought by the owner of Yar, and his heart is even happier!

"Haha! Lord Yar, I didn't expect it!

Transferee acknowledge!

Unexpectedly, you have bought the bones of the Beastmaster, and you have not been able to upgrade to the magical realm. It seems that your strength is really bad!

Talent potential, I'm afraid that's all for now, right? "

What a wonderful house owner!

He didn't mention that he also got the Beastmaster's bones and improved his strength. He only deliberately said that Yaer's strength talent was not good.

In this way, does he have the strength to make Biar's family much stronger without the Beastmaster's bones but able to improve his strength to the magical realm?

Even for the sake of future development, the later high-class families in the city of Sala will favor him.

When he takes over the city of Sarah in the future, he will be very well organized.

When his words were spoken, the eyes of the owner of Yar were red.

He was indeed poked into the lung tube by the owner of Lit.

The opponent can be ascended to the demon realm without the Beastmaster bone, isn't it really better than him?

What's more, the other party would be the magic realm, he was not.

Not only that, his strength was eroded by the rotten spirit because of his insight into the bones of the Beastmaster.

In this case, it is impossible to beat the leader of Lit!

He is here to make a wedding dress for someone!

The owner of Yaer thought of this place, and he felt an instant liver pain!

He looked at the leader of the Litt family, and yelled in a cold voice: "Don't be proud! I have sent someone to your Litt family!"

"Today, your family's property and your loved ones are all under my control!"

"Mr. Lit, if you don't want all those in your clan to die, and you are the only widows left, you can just hit me!"

The Lord Yar said here and immediately burst out laughing.

The laughter was terribly horrifying and terrifying, full of eerie atmosphere, proud.

The owner of Yaer was very fortunate in this regard. In order to be able to deal with the people of the Litt family, he completely killed them, so he deliberately created a backhand.

This would use the death of those of the Litt family to disrupt the Litt family's attack, no better!

Haha! Under the chaos of the other party ’s mind, I ’m afraid there is no way to attack yourself!

Even when attacked, it's too shabby!


Now, this is your chance!

Thinking about this, the owner of Yaer suddenly jumped up and attacked the place where the owner of Lit was.

The other party just broke through to the mysterious realm shortly.

As long as he has exhausted his strength and paid a little price, he can definitely kill the other party!

Today's victory is still theirs!

The leader of the Litt family was confused.

He was really distracted by the words of the Lord Yar.

The people of the Yar family actually surrounded their Lit family, wouldn't it mean that their Lit family ... were more ferocious and less fertile? !!

The Leader thought of it, and his limbs were cold all of a sudden.

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